The Second Qinghai -Tibet Plateau Comprehensive Scientific Investigation has successfully completed the task

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.07.07

Qinghai News Network · Damei Qinghai Client News On July 6, the reporter learned from the Qinghai Provincial Department of Science and Technology that from June 10th to 17th, the science team of the Northwest Ecological Environmental Resources Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully completed the second Qinghai -Tibet Plateau comprehensive Scientific investigations and research tasks provide research materials for exploration and clarification of climate warming and human activities for the mechanism of the function of thermal frozen soil, lake, and atmosphere.

During the period, the scientific test team departed from Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, and passed through the province's Delingha, Xiao Chai Dan, Golmud, Xidan Beach, Non -frozen Spring, Zhido, Mado, Guolo, Guide, and Guide. Scientific research players carry X -ray fluorescent analyzer, water quality instrument, atmospheric single particle sampling device, time domain reflection instrument, and soil sample collection tools. The soil, water body and atmospheric particle samples are measured, and the water quality and soil heavy metal components on the scientific examination route are measured. Among them, soil samples will conduct unbound water experiments, analyze the degree of degeneration of the activity layer of the frozen soil zone of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau under the climate change; Ingredient data will be used to analyze the impact of human activities on the atmospheric composition and soil elements of human activities.

Source: Xining Evening News Author: Qingkong

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