Silver: Mountains and Qingshui Show City are more beautiful

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.06.13

Jinling Park, Goldfish Park, Yinguang Park ... Nowadays, in the major parks in Baiyin City, the grass and trees are lush, the flowers are fragrant, the forest is quiet, and the birds are like a elegant and agile scroll.

In recent years, more and more birds choose to inhabit the major parks of silver, not only providing birds with rich food, water and good environment for birds here, but also more and more deep environmental awareness and ecological concepts. Sitting on the mountains and rivers, the shaded trees are embrace, the environment is beautiful, and the green responsibility and civilized literacy of the silver people are also improving simultaneously, so that birds have more sense of security.

The landscape is to witness the vivid practice of the city's adherence to the people and accelerate the construction of green development, beautiful civilization. In recent years, the quality of silver's urban garden has continued to improve. The blue sky, the clear river, the fresh street view, and the flowers of the city, from the community to the street, from the park to the scenic area, from the grass and green land to the trees and flowers ... all kinds of pleasant landscapes accompanied by the citizens all the way to achieve one scenery.

Because of the beautiful scenery and close to home, the trail of Goldfish Park has become the first choice for citizens of the morning running. While they enjoyed the scenery, they could rest in the gazebo while they were tired. Sometimes, you can also see the old man in the gazebo, and you will have a smile from time to time from time to time.

In the evening of the summer, walking on the Jinou River, strolling in the "Forest Oxygen Bar" Jinsing Park. The green trees on both sides of the trail are green, and the pavilions are in the water.

During the weekend leisure, I was in the Shuichuan Wetland Park in the suburbs of Baiyin City. Cozy!

The city is in the green and people are in the scene. The garden greening of silver has never stopped, and it will definitely bring more surprises to the public. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Garden Bureau said that the environment is people's livelihood, the mountains are beautiful, and the blue sky is also happy. In the future, the city's garden system will combine its own characteristics, continue to make efforts in governing mountains, water, and urban governance. Relying on the natural landscape context of the city, the green roads are stringed from natural resources such as mountain forests, water bodies, wetlands, and pastorals to form continuous films. Ecological systems, make good mountains and rivers and good scenery into the city.

A beautiful silver with a green mountains, green water, and fresh air is changing from a blueprint to a vivid reality.

Source: Silver Daily (ID: baiinribao)

Edit: Wang Xuexiang Responsible: Zhu Wang School Review: Du Yiming

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