The Red Cross of the Laixi City Court takes the initiative to act as the propaganda of the "three rescue and three offerings"

Author:Laosi Time:2022.07.07

In order to further promote the deep and practical activities of the "Make -Style ability" activity, on July 7, the Red Cross Society of Laixi City Courtyard carried out the theme "Blood donation is a kind of solidarity behavior to join us to save our lives". The popularity of emergency rescue knowledge. At the event site, the staff and volunteers of the Red Cross Society of the Hospital of the Court issued publicity materials to the people in the past, and patiently guided the blood donors to fill in the "Registration Form for Free Blood Donation" to answer the blood donation policy for the people at the scene, so that people can understand the blood donation and dedicate their love for love. Essence There were 188 party members, cadres, caring villagers, and volunteers who knew the knowledge of free blood donation. The total blood donation was about 74700 ml.

In order to improve the in -depth understanding of the masters of the Red Cross's responsibility, the six Red Cross Volunteers explained to the villagers on the spot to explain the existing rescue projects of the Red Cross, and explained in detail about the donations of the body (organ) of enthusiastic villagers. And to villagers' friends have distributed more than 200 first -aid brochures including common first aid knowledge, family first aid, and drowning knowledge.

This event is an effective event carried out by the leadership team of the Red Cross Society of the Hospital of the Hospital, which allows more people to understand the Red Cross Assistance Policies, Ways and procedures, and improve the awareness and participation of the Red Cross Culture. Essence Vice President Lu Jianfeng said that in the next step, the Red Cross of the Courtyard will continue to organize the activities of the masses, deepen humanitarian services, meet the needs of the masses, and strive to create a "Red Cross around the masses."

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