After 34 years of gas tanks, the representatives of the People's Congress will enter the community to supervise the natural gas next month

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.07

Changjiang Daily's Wuhan Client July 7th News On the morning of the 7th, the people's congress of Wuchang District held a representative reception day. The representative of the Wuchang District People's Congress and Director of the Guoguhu Street Industry Committee of the People's Congress, Shang Depeng, came to the dormitory community of the municipal pumping station again to check the natural gas in the community Pipeline construction. "You can use natural gas in the next month, I am looking forward to it." After learning that the community was about to ventilate, Mr. Liu Lao, a 76 -year -old resident, praised again and again.

The municipal pumping station dormitory community was built in 1988. There are 35 households, of which the elderly and tenants are mostly. Zhang Yingjie, secretary of the Xudong Road Community, told the Yangtze River Daily that the residents of the community strongly asked for the installation of natural gas. However, because there was no gas source to connect the pipeline nearby, the incident did not progress.

Mr. Liu said: "Because there is no natural gas in the community, it is very inconvenient to cook and take a bath. The highest area has a maximum of 6 floors. It is common for residents to carry gas tanks up and down."

As a representative of the National People's Congress in the constituency, as a member of the party, after the sinking community heard the opinions of voters in the sinking community, it was proposed that "the relevant departments are requested to promote the natural gas of the municipal pumping station dormitory community as soon as possible as soon as possible. Suggest". After receiving the suggestion, the Wuchang District Urban Management Bureau immediately communicated with Wuhan Natural Gas Co., Ltd. to find a solution.

The person in charge of the natural gas company is introducing the installation of natural gas to Shangdepeng (second from right). Correspondent Wu Si

Zhou Zibin, the person in charge of Wuchang District of Wuhan Natural Gas Co., Ltd., introduced that after more than a month of exploration and design, 24 households currently meet the conditions for natural gas installation. This year, Dongting Road H3, which is near the municipal pumping station dormitory community, also built a building just to build a natural gas pipeline. At that time, it can lead natural gas to the community to solve the problem of no gas connection pipeline.

Since carrying out the practice activities of party members and cadres "lower grassroots, inspecting the people, relieving the people's concerns, and warming the people's hearts", Shang Depeng has never forgotten the needs of residents in the community. Install the opinion of work. Shang Depeng said: "Today, the person in charge of the natural gas company reported the progress of the work, and a large stone in my heart also landed."

It is understood that earlier this month, the municipal pumping station dormitory community has begun to laid natural gas pipelines. It is expected that the community will achieve ventilation in early August. (Reporter Qin Liuwei Correspondent Wu Di Ren Xing Jia Wu Si)

【Edit: Zhao Ke】

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