Jingbao quick evaluation 丨 Advanced productive forces have achieved each other, flying books are inserted into two wings for enterprises

Author:Crystal report Time:2022.07.07

Recently, the "Leading · Evolution" 2022 Flying Book Future Unlimited Urban Summit Shenzhen Station was held. As a future -oriented advanced corporate collaboration and management platform, the summit hosted by Feishi in Shenzhen in Shenzhen is full of meaning and attractive attention.

At this unique summit, the chief business officer of Feishu, Lin Yan, vividly outline the outline of Feishu from the perspective of saving, worry -free, worry -free, and money. At the same time, small and medium -sized enterprises with less than 100 people can use the standard version of Flying Book Office, Personnel, Flying Book OKR and other core functions. Small and medium -sized enterprises that have passed the flight plan will obtain product training, product configuration and other services, and make good use of flying books to achieve the improvement of the organization.

When talking about how companies can be effective, Peter Drucker, Master of Management, pointed out five key points: time management, focusing on contributions, exerting strengths, priority, and effective decisions. With the continuous update and iteration of flying books, it has grown to cover and manage a variety of products such as instant communication, smart calendar, audio and video conferences, and OKR. Compared with "people", flying books are more "things", and at the same time realize the co -creation of people and products, and use new production relations to release more productive forces. Such an advanced platform has a solid support for the "effective" in Peter Drucker's eyes.

Feishu is a mysterious engine to help employees with more than 100,000 bytes. At present, from Xiaomi to the ideal, Weilai, Xiaopeng, from China Resources Group to Zhonghai Group, Chuanyin Holdings, Anke Innovation, the user map of Feishu expands rapidly. If the flying letter itself represents advanced productivity, then the flying book and many users who also represent advanced productivity are explained and achieved with each other.如果说伟大的公司不止是做产品,更要打造体系、输出理念、引领时代,那么飞书在帮助提升效率的同时,还助推了企业在管理模式和组织结构上的升级——而这, It is what the company is high and future -oriented.

At the summit held this time, the relevant person in charge of Feishu introduced many vivid cases. For example, Huazhu Hotel has achieved efficient operations through Feishu. Each aunt's mobile phone in Huazhu is equipped with flying books. View the optimal path for cleaning with flying books to reduce waste of time. On the flying book. There are new hope groups with 130,000 employees, and a typical pyramid -type organizational structure. From the headquarters, industry, region to production units, the link is extremely long. After the introduction of flying books, managers can not only "see" the best cadres at the grassroots level. You can also expand the management reports of each project on your mobile phone, so that the instructions are more accurate, the grass -roots information is more transparent, and the group management is more labor -saving. The launch of the byte beating of the flying book itself is also an excellent case -120,000 approvals will be generated inside the bytes every day. 44 hours fell to 21 hours ...

The high -quality development of the real economy and technological innovation are keywords that pay attention to the decision -making level. Through a large number of cases, we can see that flying books have injected strong momentum into the high -quality development and technological innovation of the real economy by promoting advanced corporate collaboration and management, which is what the times call and thirst for thirst.

"Change is not the most important. The change of changes or trends is the most important. The changes in trends can make people discover visible futures." By introducing advanced enterprise collaboration and management platforms to help companies take off, it has become pointing to the future. The new trend, in this sense, will be very vast in the future of "leading" and "evolution".

Source 丨 Jingbao APP

Reporter: Peng Jian

Edit: Li Huiling

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