Tongzheng stopped and unbuttoned, which was deducted at 1.8 yuan Changsha Metro claimed that the cha

Author:Huasheng Online Time:2022.06.13

Huasheng Online June 13 (Reporter Xiong Yanghao Xie Longbiao) Only one minute entered the station. He found that things did not get, and immediately swiped the card out of the station, but found that he was deducted at 1.8 yuan. Recently, Ms. Liu, a citizen of Changsha, spit out the reporter of the "Xiangwen · Complaints on Trade" and "Consumer Complaint" column.

Citizen complaints: Immediately after entering the station, they were immediately brushed out of 1.8 yuan

On the afternoon of June 1st, Ms. Liu swiped the card to the Changsha Metro Line 4 and Line 5. "After entering the station, I found that I forgot to get it, and immediately went to the exit to swipe the card out of the station, but I found that the subway card was deducted at 1.8 yuan."

After entering the station for more than 1 minute, why did you be deducted without the subway? Ms. Liu, who doubted this, found the staff of the subway station and asked, "The staff informs the minimum of 1.8 yuan. The customer service replied that the subway is this rule, and it is necessary to deduct the fee. "Ms. Liu puzzled it. I did n’t take the subway in the station. Why should I deduct money?

Reporter verification: 1.8 yuan is deducted from the account within 40 seconds

Is it true as Ms. Liu said? The reporter of the "Xiangwen · Complaints Card" column conducted on -site verification.

At about 15 pm on June 7, the reporter came to Dahua Road Station of Changsha Metro Line 2. Due to the peak of commuting, there were not many passengers on the station. At 15:21, the reporter brushed the QR code of the "Changsha Metro" APP to enter the station, and then asked the staff of the artificial window of the subway station. Because the itinerary does not need to take the subway, how to get out of the station?

(The reporter verified it at Duhua Road Station and took the artificial passage out of the station without being deducted.)

The staff inquired that the reporter took a temporary ticket after taking the account of the reporter and signed the reporter to confirm. Then the reporter used the temporary ticket to leave the station and query the account that the account was not deducted.

At 15:42, the reporter came to Pingyang Station of Changsha Metro Line 4, and once again brushed the "Changsha Metro" APP to the QR code to enter the station. After 38 seconds, the reporter swiped the card from the other side of the exit to get out of the station. 1.8 yuan.

(Reporter verified on the field from Pingyang Station, and the station was deducted at 1.8 yuan within 40 seconds.)

Within 40 seconds, the time was not enough to take the subway, but it was deducted 1.8 yuan. A staff member of the Pingyang Station Artificial Service Center told reporters, "This is how the subway system is set up. As long as you enter the station, you must deduct money. The staff said that this is the regulations of the subway company that cannot be refunded.

Survey: Most citizens think that the deduction fee is unreasonable after entering the station

Tongzhan has to deduct money in and out of the subway. In this rule of Changsha Metro, does the citizens know?

On June 8, the reporter interviewed 15 Changsha citizens. Among them, 10 passengers expressed their unknown, and 5 passengers expressed their knowledge.

"Do you have to collect money? I don't know." Mr. Lu, a citizen, told reporters that he encountered a similar situation when he had taken the subway in Shanghai. The staff explained from the artificial passage to the station. "

"This fee is not very reasonable. The original intention of the subway company may be to prevent tickets, but in fact, a free time period can be set up. This time period cannot be passed by passengers. During this time period, it should be set to be free to swipe the card out of the station. . "Mr. Zou, a citizen.

"Standing in the same stands and standing out, we deducted money without taking a car. At 9 cents, 9 cents of money are closed. Is this to punish us for public resources?" Ms. Zhu Ms. Zhu teased.

During the interview, some citizens said that they knew and thought that the regulations were reasonable. Ms. said.

Changsha Metro: Reasonable fees are set up like this

Ms. Li, the relevant person in charge of the Changsha Rail Transit Group, told reporters on the phone that the same stands in and out at the minimum consumption standard of 1.8 yuan for charging. The charging is reasonable. "Metro companies in other cities across the country are set up like this." Ms. Li said that the specific charging standards need to consult a subway operating company and provide reporters with contact information of Ms. Yu, the person in charge of the operating company.

The reporter contacted Ms. Yu on the phone, but the other party said that it was inconvenient to respond on the phone. The complaint must be transferred to the rail transit group first, the group was transferred to the operating company, and the operating company replied.

Suggestion: Set free time period or in a eye -catching notice "Unconducting the Delivery Method"

"Even if the national subway is provided, I don't think it is reasonable." Mr. Dai, a citizen, said that if you do n’t charge the same station, you will indeed exist that you will return to the original station and return to the original station. Although the situation of charges, passengers entering the wrong station and forgetting to get things are rare, they do exist. "A free time period is set up? The Changsha Metro takes 2-3 minutes for each stop, and the same station in and out of the same time within 5 minutes is a free time period. Those passengers who are actually not taking a car. "

At the same time, in the first experience of the reporter, he chose not directly swiping the card, but was out of the station to ask the staff for help without being deducted.It can be seen that the subway company has a corresponding method of dealing with how to avoid deduction in the same way.The subway shipping party may post a notice in a prominent location in the subway station to inform passengers' exit ways in order to protect the rights and interests of citizens.Should I charge for the same station in and out? If you have better suggestions, please leave a message to the column of "Xiangwen · Complaints on Starting Train".

- END -

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