Notice on printing and issuing the implementation plan for the open government affairs work in Heilo

Author:Heilongjiang released Time:2022.06.13

The General Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province on issuing the implementation plan of the public affairs open work of Heilongjiang Province in 2022

Black Zheng Office Fa [2022] No. 23

Municipal (local), county (city) people's government (office), provincial government units directly under the provincial government:

The "Implementation Plan for Government Affairs Public Affairs in Heilongjiang Province in 2022" has agreed to the provincial government and is now issued to you. Please organize and implement it carefully.

The General Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province

June 12, 2022

(This one is publicly released)

Heilongjiang Province 2022 Government Affairs Open Work Implementation Plan

In order to implement the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Points of Government Affairs Public Works in 2022" (Guoqi Fa [2022] No. 8), accelerate the transformation of government affairs open functions, continuously deepen the disclosure of government affairs, better exert publicly promoting implementation, strengthening the implementation, strengthening the implementation, strengthening Regulatory functions help the province's high -quality development of the province and formulate this implementation plan.

1. Openly help the economy and healthy development

(1) Strengthen information disclosure involving market entities. Strengthen the transparency and predictability of policy formulation and implementation, boost market subject confidence, and continue to build a market -oriented international business environment. Public publicity and vigorous publicity and stability of the economy in a timely manner, and increase the open efforts of five specialty industry assistance policies such as catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, highway water transportation, and so on. The disclosure of enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households to relieve difficulties, ensure the stability and smooth supply chain of the key industry chain, and promote the stability of employment and consumption recovery. [Responsible unit: the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the relevant units of the provincial government, the municipal (local), county (city, district) government (office)]

Relying on the online approval supervision platform of investment projects in the province, we will improve the application and feedback mechanism for project approval, approval, filing related policies and processing information inquiry, improve market entities to reflect the issues such as investment and project approval. Questions to promote the optimization of investment and construction environment. [Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, municipal (local), county (city, district) government (office)]

Continue to promote the disclosure of anti -monopoly and anti -unfair competition law enforcement information, in accordance with the principle of "who handles the case, who is entered, and who is responsible", in a timely manner of the national enterprise credit information publicity system All types of market subjects regulate the healthy development of healthy development to create a market environment of integrity and law. [Leading unit: Provincial Market Supervision Bureau; Responsible units: cities (prefectures), county (city, district) government (office)]

(2) Strengthen information disclosure of tax cuts. System integration and intelligent push have issued various tax reductions policies, especially large -scale VAT reserved tax refund policies, to help grass -roots executive institutions and taxpayers fully understand the policy for the first time. Enjoy it. Carry out preferential tax policy consulting and policy counseling, and optimize the intelligent consulting function of the 12366 tax service platform. Relying on tax websites to improve the unified and standardized tax and feed policy library, dynamically update and open free. Increase the exposure of typical cases of taxes and fees, forming an effective deterrent. [Responsible unit: Provincial Taxation Bureau]

(3) Strengthen the disclosure of information involving expanding effective investment. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee and the requirements of the "Government Work Report" in our province, and do a good job of expanding the information disclosure of effective investment, policy documents and major construction projects in accordance with laws and regulations, and actively guide market expectations. In accordance with the principles of "who approved, who publicized, who implemented, who made it public, who made, and who made it public," actively disclosed the approval service information, approval results information, bidding information, levying land information, major design change information, construction, construction, construction, and construction projects. Information, completion information and quality and safety supervision information. Pay close attention to public opinion and respond in a timely manner. Focus on key areas such as shortcomings of infrastructure, increase policy interpretation, strengthen policy consulting services, and promote expanding effective investment. [Responsible units: relevant units of the provincial government, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) government (office)]

2. Keep social harmony and stability with open help

(4) Continue to disclose the information prevention and control information of the epidemic. Strictly implement the system for the release of the epidemic prevention and control information, and establish and improve the channels for multi -level information release. Guide the cities (places) that urge the epidemic to release authoritative information within 5 hours, organize a press conference within 24 hours, and timely release the latest developments and prevention and control measures in the epidemic, focus on the release of new cases and epidemiological surveys, guarantee confession, and supply supply. Stability, nucleic acid testing, epidemic prevention policies, science popularization knowledge, etc., actively respond to hot issues that the media and the public care about. To strengthen the coordination of the release of the epidemic prevention and control information, the information released by the administrative organs to the society must be consistent with the work instructions issued by the higher -level units to the lower -level units and enhance the coordination of multi -party coordination. Further regulate the release and management of flow -tune information, protect personal privacy, and avoid improper impact on the normal life of the parties. [Leading unit: the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Health and Health Commission, the Public Security Department; responsible unit: cities (prefectures), county (city, district) government (office)]

(5) Strengthen the disclosure of employment information for employment insurance. Timely disclose employment support policies issued by governments at all levels, make good use of various public employment service activity carriers, and timely convey to relevant groups through policy preaching and multi -channel push to promote better employment and entrepreneurship. Increase the interpretation of the employment policy and policy training of the employment policy, and focus on the implementation of policy training on the grass -roots executive agencies, so that various policies can be faster, accurate, and realistic, and to the maximum to benefit the enterprise and benefit the people. Dynamic open -minded vocational skills training institutions, training occupations (types) catalogs, timely publish vocational skills training policies, training subsidy standards and subsidy application processes, let more workers know the training policies and channels, and get employment training opportunities. [Leading unit: Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department; responsible unit: relevant units directly under the provincial government, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) governments (office)] (6) to promote the disclosure of public enterprises and institutions. Strictly implement the information disclosure system of public enterprises and institutions formulated by the relevant departments of the State Council, and focus on strengthening the supervision and management of public enterprises and institutions with strong market dominance, strong public attributes, and key supervision. Strengthen and improve the level of service to better safeguard the order of the market economy and the vital interests of the people. [Leading unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Education Department, Ecological Environment Department, Housing and Construction Department, Transportation Department, Health and Health Commission and other departments; responsible units: cities (local), county (city, district) government (office)]

3. Improve the quality of policy disclosure

(7) Deepen the centralized disclosure of government regulations. Consolidate the results of the centralized public work, establish and improve the dynamic update working mechanism of rules, release the official version of the current valid regulations at a high quality, and steadily promote the historical text of the rules and regulations. [Leading unit: Provincial Government General Office, Provincial Justice Department; responsible unit: municipal governments in various districts]

(8) The concentrated publicity documents of administrative normative documents. Strengthen the management of administrative standardized documents, openly, and implement the full life cycle management. By the end of November 2022, the provincial, municipal, county governments and their departments must comprehensively sort out the current valid administrative standardized documents, find out the number of documents, and refer to the centralized government regulations concentrated Public work requirements, establish a unified current valid administrative standardized document library with a unified local and headquarters, and disclose and update dynamically through government information disclosure columns on government websites. [Leading unit: Provincial Government General Office, Provincial Justice Department; responsible unit: all units directly under the provincial government, municipal (local), county (city, district) government (office)]

(9) Strengthen the use of concentrated policies. The competent department of information disclosure of various governments should strengthen overall planning, and better give play to the positive role of centralized disclosure results such as government regulations and administrative standards documents. With a complete and accurate, dynamic and dynamic update current effective institutional system, to handle government service matters for administrative organs, and to handle government service matters,, and affairs services for administrative agencies, and government service matters, and affairs services, and affairs services for administrative agencies. Preparation of various types of powers and responsibilities to provide basic basis. Strengthen the promotion and use of centralized policies, strengthen the policy supply side with the needs of the enterprise, and explore the implementation of accurate policy matching and effectively push to facilitate the public to comprehensively understand various systems and regulations, and ensure and supervise the effective implementation of administrative administrative management. [Responsible units: the provincial government's directly under units, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) governments (office)]

(10) Continue to improve the quality and efficiency of policy interpretation. Focusing on the work of the center, the provincial government's major decision -making deployment has carried out comprehensive, accurate, and authoritative interpretation, and guided the market expectations of the market expectations with policy interpretation. Policy documents involving important industrial planning (planning), major scientific and technological innovation, and stable economy policies and measures involved in the province as the focus of publicity interpretation. , Comprehensive use of expert interviews, press conferences and other methods to interpret the policy formulation background, basis, main content, etc., and strive to make the policies clear and thoroughly, truly allow the policy to play, better serve enterprises, serve the masses Essence [Leading unit: Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Provincial Government General Office; responsible unit: all units directly under the provincial government, municipal (local), county (city, district) government (office)]

(11) Optimize policy consulting services. Strengthen the construction of policy consulting windows, improve the provincial 12345 hotline knowledge base, cover the aspects of laws and regulations, government regulations, policy interpretation, institutional responsibilities, government services, and people's livelihood hotspots to better meet the needs of enterprises and the masses. Build a unified intelligent policy Q & A platform to realize the sharing of Heilongjiang integrated government service platforms with 12345 government service convenience line knowledge base. Explore the establishment of the "benefit enterprise" service area, provide investment promotion, tax cuts, employment services, agricultural rural areas, legal consultation and other profit -seeking policies "No. 1 Consultation" services. Before the end of 2022, the 12345 and 110 efficient connection mechanism was basically completed. Regularly carry out policy consulting, interpretation and knowledge base information training for discounted staff, proficient in the relevant profits and benefits to the people, and improve the level of hotline policy consulting services. [Leading unit: Provincial Business Environment Bureau, Public Security Department; responsible unit: all units directly under the provincial government, municipal (local), county (city, district) government (office)]

(12) The collection of major administrative decision -making opinions is public. In -depth implementation of the management system for the public participation of major administrative decision -making catalogs, set up major administrative decisions at all levels of governments at all levels, to pre -public the corresponding section, and collect the full text of the draft decision -making draft, draft explanation, decision -making background, public opinion suggestion collection and adoption, decision results, decision results results, decision results results, decision results results Waiting for information. Strengthen the pre -public interpretation of policies. [Responsible units: the provincial government's directly under units, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) governments (office)] Fourth, consolidate the foundation of open work

(13) Standardize the implementation of government information disclosure system. Strengthen information release management, compact the main responsibility, strictly fulfill the information release review procedures, strengthen the awareness of regulatory regulation in public work, improve the government information disclosure confidentiality review system, strictly keep confidentiality review of government information in accordance with laws and regulations to prevent leakage from leakage State secrets, work secrets, and sensitive information, prevent data convergence caused by leakage risks. [Responsible units: the provincial government's directly under units, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) governments (office)]

Government administrative reconsideration agencies at all levels in accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the General Office of the State Council's forwarding the Ministry of Justice on the Government Information Disclosure Administrative Reconsideration Proposal (Guidance Opinions" (National Office letter [2021] No. 132), regulate the acceptance of administrative reconsideration cases and trials related to the trial. Work to supervise and correct the disclosure of illegal or improper government information. [Leading unit: Provincial Justice Department; responsible unit: all units directly under the provincial government, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) government (office)]

(14) Scientific and reasonable determination of public methods. Accurately grasp different types of public requirements, comprehensively consider factors such as open purposes, public effects, and subsequent impacts, and scientifically and reasonably determine the public methods. The public content involves the adjustment of the public interest and needs widely knowing it. It can be disclosed through the Internet and other channels. If the public content involves only some specific objects, or relevant regulations clearly require publicity within a specific range, choose appropriate public ways to prevent the harm of national security, public safety, economic security, social stability, or leak personal privacy, and business secrets. [Responsible units: the provincial government's directly under units, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) governments (office)]

(15) Strengthen the construction of open platforms. Strictly implement the network ideological responsibility system to ensure the safe and stable operation of government websites and new media. Before the end of 2022, the website of the provincial government departments fully supports the 6th edition of the Internet Agreement and promotes provincial government mobile clients to support the 6th edition of the Internet agreement. Accelerate the integration of government websites, and adopt a "unified combination" construction model to form a unified government website intensive management system in the province. Strengthen the construction of new government matrix, strengthen coordination with various cities (local) and departments, and timely and accurately convey the voice of party and government authority. Promote the transformation of aging and barrier -free government websites at all levels, and improve the convenience of information services for the elderly and special groups. Standardize and efficiently handle the "I find a mistake for the government website" platform netizens. Continue to optimize government bulletin digital version. [Leading unit: Provincial Government Office; Responsible unit: All units directly under the provincial government, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) government (office)]

5. Deepen the disclosure of grass -roots government affairs

(16) Standardize the disclosure of grass -roots government affairs. With public promotional norms, accelerate the construction of the "one -cartoon" platform for the financial subsidy funds of Huimin and Hui, and promptly publish information such as subsidy policies and information distribution information. The county -level governments must publicize the information related to agricultural subsidies in a timely manner. At the same time, the results of the actual issuance of various types of benefits and farmers' fiscal subsidies for the rural areas of the countryside will be summarized. Relevant materials are retained in the village committee for villagers to inquire. [Leading unit: Provincial Department of Finance, Human Resources and Social Affairs; Responsible units: relevant units directly under the provincial government, cities (local), county (city, district) governments (office)]

With public promotional services, promote the coordination of government affairs disclosure and village (residential) public affairs, better adapt to the habit and practical conditions of grass -roots people's information acquisition, and strive to strengthen the construction of policy consulting channels such as telephone answers and on -site answers. kilometer". [Responsible unit: cities (prefectures), county (city, district) government (office)]

(17) Promoting the construction of open government affairs areas. Before the end of October 2022, set up a government affairs public zone with clear labels, complete facilities, complete functions, and standardized management at the government service centers such as government service centers and convenience service centers in various counties. , Government information disclosure application for receiving, policy consulting and other services. Encourage localities to combine work actual situations to create a brand of government affairs open area with local characteristics. All cities (prefectures) should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the construction of the government affairs of the counties (cities, districts) under their jurisdiction. [Responsible unit: cities (prefectures), county (city, district) government (office)]

(18) Continue to do a good job of standardization and standardization of grass -roots government affairs. Before the end of November 2022, the grass -roots governments (including counties, cities, municipal governments, township governments, and street offices) in the grass -roots governments comprehensively revised and improved the standard catalog of government affairs public affairs to ensure the entire process and government service of the grass -roots government administrative power operation and government services. The whole process. In the open matters determined by the directory, the information disclosure of information in various fields in various fields, and if the corresponding disclosure is not disclosed, it will be disclosed in a timely manner. [Responsible unit: Municipal (local) government (office)]

Before the end of December 2022, the cities (prefectures) conducted inspection and acceptance of the goals of the standardized standardization of government affairs and standardization of grass -roots government affairs, and submitted the work to the Provincial Government General Office in writing. [Responsible unit: Municipal (local) government (office)] 6. Strengthen work guidance and supervision

(19) Strictly implement the main responsibility. Promote the implementation of information release, policy interpretation and government affairs response. While issuing major policies, do a good job of interpretation, actively solve doubts, actively guide public opinion, and effectively manage expectations. Fully evaluate the various impacts that the policy itself may bring, as well as the additional effects that the timing and the situation may occur, to avoid misunderstanding and misunderstanding. Strengthen the monitoring and risk research of government affairs, do a good job of guidance, better respond to the concerns of the people and market entities, and create a good atmosphere for economic and social development. [Responsible units: the provincial government's directly under units, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) governments (office)]

(20) Carefully implement the implementation of work. All localities and departments must earnestly perform their legal duties, and in accordance with the requirements of leadership responsibilities, work promotion, assessment and evaluation, supervision and accountability, the "four systems" are required to promote implementation, strengthen work guidance, and effectively improve their style. Further regulates the government -disclosure third -party evaluation work, and governments below the prefecture level will no longer carry out government affairs open third -party assessments.

All localities and departments should formulate work plans in accordance with the key tasks proposed in the implementation plan, sort out the work accounts, clarify the responsible subject and time limit requirements, and promote the implementation one by one. Before the end of July 2022, the implementation of the work of the previous year was "looking back", and those who were not completed must be rectified. The implementation of this implementation plan should be disclosed in the annual report of government information disclosure and accepts social supervision. [Responsible units: the provincial government's directly under units, municipal (prefecture), county (city, district) governments (office)]

All cities (local) and provincial leaders should promote the implementation of the task, and report to the Provincial Government Office by September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2022.

Source: Heilongjiang Government Affairs

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