The man worked for 19 years to become a tramp in the streets of Dongguan. Fortunately, the volunteers discovered him ...

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.07.07

19 years after going out to work, Li Wenbin finally returned to his hometown in Nanchong, Sichuan.

Li Wenbin is a native of Shunqing District, Nanchong City. In 2003, Li Wenbin, who was only 15 years old, went to Dongguan, Guangdong to work in the factory, and later lost contact with his family. Over the years, his father Li Derong and his wife have always believed that his son was still alive. After visiting the village a few years ago, the village cadres visited the village and learned about the situation, and took the initiative to join the family -looking team to help find Li Wenbin.

Good news came in June this year. A volunteer found a tramp on the streets of Dongguan, and finally confirmed that the other party was the son of Li Derong's couple lost 19 years.

↑ Li Wenbin on the streets of Dongguan

Lose contact

Graduated from junior high school to work in foreign provinces

I did not know the whereabouts of the ID card later

On July 7, in the meeting room of Liulinpu Village, Luxi Town, Shunqing District, Nanchong City, Li Derong, the poverty alleviation household, bowed deeply to the cadres in the village. A few days ago, with the help of cadres stationed in the village, the couple successfully regained the 19 -year -old son Li Wenbin.

Li Wenbin is 34 years old. In 2002, only Li Wenbin, who was only junior high school culture, went out to work and first went to Zhejiang. Li Wenbin later recalled that in 2003, she went to Dongguan to enter the factory by a friend. The factory is located in the suburbs of Dongguan. After entering the factory, he was arranged to do some relatively lightweight work, and his income was relatively stable. "One day the factory said that he would get an ID card to apply for a certificate, and then I gave them the ID card. give me back".

Li Wenbin himself was unclear about later things. But it is certain that in 19 years, the family has no news about him.

Look for a relative

Mother's over -eye disability due to too sad

The family has never given up looking for

The son of the Li Derong was anxious.

"We have no culture. We haven't been out for a lifetime, and we don't know the alarm. At that time, we were poor. I didn't know where to buy the tickets. I worked in Guangdong and went to the place where my son worked. There was no news. Later, the acquaintances who worked in Guangzhou and Shenzhen inquired about it, and still found nothing.

Li Derong said that his wife had disabled his right eye due to excessive sadness. Even if he had no news of his son, they had always believed that his son was still alive and never gave up looking for. Later, the Internet became popular. Under the guidance of their daughters, they began to issue announcements for relatives through the Internet.

In August 2017, the village team came to Li Derong's house during the visit to the village. "Our family of 4 people, my daughter has been married, my son has been missing for many years, and my body is not good." Li Derong's wife Deng Xiaoqun told the village work team that her daughter was unable to bear her medical expenses, so Li Derong was able to work in work to maintain work. The life of the couple.

After learning about the situation, the village team incorporated Li Derong's family into the target of precise assistance and spontaneously joined the family -looking team to help him find his son.

↑ Li Derong's new house after transformation

Guo Xinrong, the first secretary of the village work team, has a classmate in Guangdong. He entrusted his classmates to publish the information of relatives to the local family. The village team members also posted information about family search through other parent -seeking platforms, and also reported the relevant situation to the public security department for help.

Li Derong did not expect that after 19 years, his son who worked was lost.

Recognize relatives

Volunteers found first -class waves on the streets of Dongguan

Later confirmed that it was the missing guy

Good news came in June this year.

At that time, the Li Derong couple was driving the farm work in the ground. Guo Xinrong, a cadre in the village, called and said that "let love go home" Xu Wenqiang, the captain of the Dongguan Shijie Volunteer Service Team, saw a tramp near Tongfu Dong Road, Shijian Town, Shiji Town. Similar to Li Wenbin, who is suspected to be in the finding information, the volunteer service team also posted a photo of a tramp.

The man in the photo has vicissitudes of face, messy hair, and beard ... Although his son has lost contact for many years, the Li Derong couple still recognizes at a glance that the tramp in the photo is his son Li Wenbin.

In order to further confirm, the village work team contacted volunteers to confirm the relevant identity information with the tramp again. The name and home address were all right. After that, accompanied by two village members, Li Derong boarded a plane flying to Guangdong. Before departure, Li Derong specially took his son's bacon he loved at home, and also brought some earth eggs to give it to volunteers.

On the morning of the day when I arrived at Dongguan, at the Shiqi Police Station in Dongguan, Li Derong saw his son as expected. Faced with the sudden arrival of his relatives, Li Wenbin was obviously strange and nervous. He wanted to run away for a time, and was finally persuaded to soothe. After that, the father and son stepped on the return home.

↑ The village work team is in Li Derong's home

"That year you walked, our house was a thatched house. Now it is a two -story bungalow, and the car can drive directly to the door ..." On the way home, Li Derong told his son about the changes in his hometown over the years.

It is understood that because Li Wenbin has lost contact for many years, his original household registration has been included in the "missing population". At present, the village team is still helping him to restore his household registration and apply for identity certificate.

He Jialin Wanjiali Red Star Journalist Wang Chao

Edit Yu Mange

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