Graduation thesis becomes reality!Master student "land shrimp" on the hot search

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.08

Recently, one

Shanghai Master team overcome

Land -raising technology is difficult to control

Weibo topic

Rush to the hot search

Many people don't know

Chen Wei, a member of the master's team

Turn the thesis into reality!

Three years of research! They built shrimp farming in land

Chen Wei is Shanghai Ocean University

Graduate students of aquaculture

After graduation

Work with classmates to engage in aquatic products related work

Graduate breeding and others

What's the difference?

Chen Wei pointed out that Tu Tang Shrimp Raise now

Universal problems

(Li Wei is a pseudonym in the video)

But in his where he is

Shanghai Chongming shrimp farming factory

Shrimp produced not only

The shrimp shell is thinner, and it tastes fresh and sweet


Will not cause environmental pollution

Water consumption is only traditional breeding 1/10

You can also raise seawater shrimp inland!


But to do this

Not easy

Most of the students switch to career

in the case of

Chen Weihe team

Adhere to the research of aquaculture

For three years

Only then did such results.

Zhou Zhuocheng, deputy director of the Primary Water and Water Ecological Professional Committee of the China Fisheries Association, specially posted a compliment that "the first -tier scientific research is quite hard." It is not easy to adhere to this team.

Instructor: His graduation thesis becomes reality

Chen Wei's graduate mentor, Professor Tan Hongxin, dean of the School of Aquatic and Life of Shanghai Ocean University, told the Youth Daily that Chen Wei is a master's degree in the 2015 master's degree in the laboratory of circulating aquaculture technology and system engineering laboratory laboratory. After graduation, the biofurtle group shrimp farming team is formed to develop the development of the biological flocculable shrimp technology in the trial scale.

Chen Wei and colleagues use underwater robots to observe the behavior of shrimp

Regarding the achievement of Chen Wei's team, Professor Tan believes that there are many advantages of the biological flocculable shrimp, but to maintain the stability of the breeding system, technical personnel need to have systemic thinking ability and dynamically maintain the stability of the breeding system. Their success now is the result of three years of continuous efforts, continuous trials, and continuous optimization results.

Professor Tan said that Chen Wei turned his graduation thesis "The Construction of Functional Bioccoencies and Research on Application Effects in Shrimp Cultivation" into reality.

Call for alma mater "double first -class majors"

Hope more young people join

"I came out of the countryside, and I also thought that I would return to the countryside and do some practical things in the future, so I chose the major of aquaculture at the time." Chen Wei told a reporter from the China Youth Daily.

Chen Wei hopes to continue to improve the level of craftsmanship, and make the breeding of shrimp stabilized and high -yielding; after the technology matures, it can provide new breeding solutions to the industry. In the future , Bring a healthier and high -quality, cheap live shrimp.

Chen Wei did not forget to emphasize that the breeding major he was learning was "double first -class", and "enrollment advertisements" for alma mater Shanghai Ocean University.

Speaking of the reason, Chen Wei said that the first line of the industry still needs young blood. I hope that more young people can enter the aquaculture industry and invest in the construction of new agriculture.

It is understood that there are 5 majors at the School of Aquatic and Life of Shanghai Ocean University. Aquaculture, aquarium science and technology, and biology are first -class professional construction points. Aquatic animal medicine and biotechnology majors are first -class professional construction points in Shanghai.

Tan Hongxin told reporters that my country's aquaculture is also facing modern transformation. In the context of New Agricultural Sciences, science and technology empowering aquaculture, my country's aquaculture industry will definitely develop in the direction of ecology, industrialization, and intelligence. It has created a big stage for aquatic students. Application!

Write the paper on the earth

serve the society

benefit society

Such a major

You heart it?

Source: China Youth Daily

- END -

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