On the road of entrepreneurship, we will bravely explore the rich and not forget the folks

Author:Ecological Ya'an Time:2022.07.08

Tian Chenglei (left) signed a procurement agreement with the partner

On May 27th, Tian Chenglei, the general manager of Ya'an Huizhen Trading Co., Ltd., who was just awarded to the “Honorary Secretary” and “Development Consultant” appointed by the Organization Department of the Hanyuan County Party Committee. The sign of the rural revitalization and innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration base was awarded.

Today, Tian Chenglei, who has been out of the university, has become a famous leader in the village, and he is also cordially referred to as "Oda Secretary" by the folks.

During the university, he joined for entrepreneurship

The "Oda Secretary" in everyone's mouth was only 20 years old this year. Two years ago, he was also a college student at Ya'an Vocational and Technical College. During college, he participated in the "National Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition organized by the school for the first time, and he won a bronze award. It was this competition that he opened a door for Tian Chenglei, and he buried a seed of innovation and entrepreneurship.

For most of the year's social practice, Tian Chenglei did not choose to go to the professional counter -pharmaceutical industry internship, but instead picked up the school's "entrepreneurial incubation park".

In order to encourage college students to innovate and entrepreneurship, the school has specially built the "Entrepreneurship Incubation Park" and took the lead in becoming the first batch of municipal incubation bases in our city. The construction of the incubation park is mainly to encourage young college students to participate in an upsurge in innovation and entrepreneurship, and use policy support and entrepreneurial services as the media to promote the close connection between the talent chain, capital chain, industrial chain, and innovation chain. Garden incubation. Here, many college student innovation and entrepreneurship projects have also taken root and blossomed.

Tian Chenglei also aimed at the school's entrepreneurial incubation park. He also settled in the Yucheng Memory Culture Communication Company he founded and became one of the "school -run enterprises".

"During the internship, our work, study, eating, and sleeping were in the more than ten square meters of studios. I also spent the most difficult period of entrepreneurship here and dug the 'first bucket of gold' in my life. ","

On the day of college graduation, Tian Chenglei's company also moved from school to school, and members expanded from 4 to 12.

Don't be afraid of difficulties and courage to work hard

After graduating, Tian Chenglei registered the Huizhen Fresh Supermarket on the relevant e -commerce platform in September 2020. With the rapid development of traditional e -commerce companies, his online stores rose for a while, and the fruits in Hanyuan County, hometown became his main distribution product.

However, due to the influence of the epidemic and negligible product control in the process of the product, the sales of online stores have turned sharply. Tian Chenglei said that by the second half of 2021, he lost hundreds of thousands of yuan.

At the time of Tian Chenglei, a teacher of Ya'an Vocational and Technical College gave him a suggestion in his hometown to start a business. Subsequently, Tian Chenglei resolutely returned to his hometown to start a business, and registered the establishment of Ya'an Huizhen Trading Co., Ltd. at Hanyuan County at the end of 2021. This time, he learned from the previous lesson. While strictly controlling the quality of the product, he also transformed from the traditional e -commerce model to the community e -commerce model. He began to refine it on the community e -commerce platform, and the company gradually improved.

Expanding the scale has become Tian Chenglei's next goal.

After dialing the school's entrepreneurial instructor, Tian Chenglei took the initiative to find the Ya'an Supply and Marketing Cooperative Federation, hoping that the relevant platform company of the supply and marketing cooperatives would become his investor. Tian Chenglei said that after many visits, the Ya'an City Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union saw his sincerity and persistence and decided to give him a trial opportunity, that is, to complete the sales of 50,000 yuan in half a month. Achieving the established goal.

Opportunity awaits those who are prepared. Today, Tian Chenglei's company's monthly sales are stable at more than 2 million yuan. "At the end of the year, the sales target was 30 million yuan. From next year, we will follow the connotative development path, focusing on the entire industrial chain of product planting, processing, packaging, transportation, transportation, etc. to do a good job of branding and selling good goods." Tian Chenglei said.

Find the steady development of targets

Development is the first driving force. Talents are the first resources. The development of the countryside depends on talents.

In order to solidly do the "second half" article in the solid reform of our city, and promote the consolidation of the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection with the rural rejuvenation. A group of private entrepreneurs who have been politically hard, have strong development, and enthusiasm for public welfare, can take responsibility, operations, and willingness to dedicate to the village to work to achieve "1 village, 1 enterprise, 1 ability".

In this regard, Tian Chenglei took the initiative to ask for the "honorary secretary" and "development consultant" of his "Honorary Secretary" and "Development Consultant" from Shuanghai Village, Fuquan Town, Hanyuan County. Tian Chenglei said that he was preparing party members during his college, and later he became a formal party member in the village. He was obliged to lead the folks to become rich.

However, the Shuanghai Village, which is hung by Tian Chenglei, is a local "hollow village", with less than 1,000 adult labor in the village. "There is basically no collective economy in the village. The fruits planted by the neighborhood folks are also lowered by the vendor because there is no fixed sales channel." Tian Chenglei said.

Tian Chenglei believes that although Shuanghai Village is far from towns, there are mountains, water, orchards, and the terrain is ups and downs. It can take a path of rural ecological economic development that integrates planting, sightseeing, tourism, and accommodation.

Today, the "Oda Secretary" who has just taken office has begun to find the road to the prosperity of becoming rich in Shuanghai Village: to open farmers' night schools, carry out planting technology, fruit preservation transportation technology, and e -commerce platform sales training; His fruit brands; set up farmers' professional cooperatives to open village -run enterprises, develop collective economy; build Shuanghai Village into a fruit planting base, agricultural product deep processing base, tourism and tourism base, and rural e -commerce talent training base. "Secretary Oda" singing, school cheering. In order to help graduates innovate and entrepreneurship in the future, Ya'an Vocational and Technical College established the Graduate Entrepreneurship Guidance Center, and later established the Ya'an Rural Revitalization College. Develop various policies of quality and empowerment.

"With the school as a strong backing, I am also preparing to play online+'offline dual -line' supply and marketing chain, build an Internet agricultural product supply and marketing system, realize full coverage of planting, procurement, packaging, transportation, and sales, promote local high -quality agricultural products to form brands, and brand, and brand of high -quality agricultural products. Scale. "Tian Chenglei said that his wish was to build a platform for his hometown to attract more young people to return to their hometown!

Reporter Zheng Yusha

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