Dongguan Songtao joined hands with Guangdong enterprises to enter Qian'an's house

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.07.08

Industrial coupling co -construction parks and wealthy people shared and win -win

Dongguan Songtao joined hands with Guangdong enterprises to enter Qian'an's house

In the summer, the east and west parts of Songtao Autonomous County cooperated to build an industrial park, and the enterprise rushed to work. Shi Zongyun, the person in charge of the processing workshop of Songtao Tao Smarty toy Co., Ltd., selected the top five "progressive employees" to encourage the results of the employees of various production teams on the day of the statistics.

"In order to improve the enthusiasm and welfare benefits of workers, we draw on the series of management models of Dongguan Corporation to refine many reward mechanisms." Shi Zongyun, former "Guangfu", said that Guangdong enterprises entered Guizhou and large to industrial park planning and project funds. Implementation, small to enterprise management models, all made up.

In July 2021, Songtao introduced Dongguan Jiaming Toy Handbag Co., Ltd. to the county Economic Development Zone Industrial Park and set up Songtao Tao Series toys Co., Ltd., mainly producing plush toys, pendants, cushions and other products. Through the "Dongguan Headquarters+Songtao Base" model, the company has built an industrial park. Dongguan Enterprise Headquarters is responsible for R & D, receiving orders, and sales. The pine peach division is responsible for production. The products are exported to overseas markets such as Europe, the United States, Australia, and the Middle East.

"Now moving the factory to the door of the house, not only solving employment, but also taking care of the elderly and children. It is completely different from that in the past. It is not the same as that in the past. Enterprises have reduced costs. "Shi Zongyun said.

In recent years, Songtao relies on the cooperation opportunities of Dongguan Humen Group (Humen Town, Macong Town, Shatian Town, Zhongtang Town, Binhai Bay New Area) to focus on market -oriented, highlighting industrial coupling and complementary advantages, and promoting Songtao resources, labor, labor,, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, labor, and labor -vingated. The advantages of transportation and land use are deeply integrated with the advantages of capital, technology, talents, market entities, and management of Humen Group in Dongguan to promote the transfer of the eastern industries to the west, promote industrial factors to gather to the co -construction parks, and enhance the capacity of the joint construction park project.

Not only that, in order to give full play to the ability of industrial park employment to drive, companies gradually increase production lines, extend the industrial chain, and expand the scale of production. Recently, Guizhou Lejia Cultural Capital Technology Co., Ltd. relies on rural revitalization projects to promote the construction of the second phase, to townships, villages, and relocated resettlement areas. Li cooperated to create a new "Rural Revitalization Micro Factory" to sink the industrial chain to a front line to improve employment efficiency.

"Last year, with the efforts of many parties in Wuansong, Dongguan Lejia Plastic Products Co., Ltd. only used 43 days to realize from signing to production, and completed investment of 120 million yuan within the year. Out of the acceleration of cooperation in the east and west industries. We hope to rely on Dongguan resources to build a production base of Western Plastic Toys in Western China with an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan. " The co -construction mechanism, mutual benefit and win -win mechanism, communication and coordination mechanism, and long -term cooperation mechanism, and take a road of complementary, mutually beneficial and win -win market cooperation.

Strong faucet, supplement chain, gathering group, and classification. Songtao takes the construction of industrial parks as a carrier, and the development of rural industries is the breakthrough, which drives the rural rejuvenation to build a collaborative demonstration. According to reports, this year the county plans to invest 6 million yuan in Dongguan East and West Cooperation funds. In the resettlement area of ​​Zhengda, Shiliang and other townships, the "Rural Revitalization Micro Factory" will be built. The production link was transferred to the countryside, setting up a new channel for employment at home for the rural surplus labor, forming a "one center multi -fullest", "park headquarters+micro -factory", "factories go with people, employment at any time".

"New Guofa Document 2 is clear, supporting Guangdong and Guizhou to establish a closer pairing assistance relationship, and to create a model for cooperation between the East and the West. At present, Songtao and Dongguan Chang'e Toy Co., Ltd. signed a contract with high -end toy processing projects, and planned to invest 30 million yuan, adding motivation to expand the toy industry cluster of Songtao Industrial Park. "Huang Peimin said. (Reporter Wu Caili)

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