Lintan County launched an emergency drill of flood disasters in 2022

Author:Lintan County Rong Media Cente Time:2022.07.08

Lintan County launched an emergency drill of flood disasters in 2022

On July 7, Lintan County launched an emergency drill of flood disasters in 2022 in Puzangshi Village, Wushu Township. He Jinhong, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Mayor, attended the event and made a summary comment. A total of more than 300 people in the relevant departments and the Puzangshi Village participated in the exercise.

This exercise simulation scene was continuous heavy rainfall in the residential area of ​​the Xibu Township. The Meteorological Bureau of Lintan County issued a signal of heavy rain orange warning signals. It is expected that there will be heavy rains in the Township of Wushu Township within 3 hours. Lintan County Flood Monitoring and Early Warning Platform issued a flood prevention and flood resistance level III warning signal at 2:30 pm. The automatic rainfall station in Wuxu Township reached more than 65 mm. Continuously falling rainfall may cause flood prevention and flood resistance in local areas. Severe threats threatened The life and property of residents in this area. The county's drought resistance and flood prevention headquarters immediately held a conference on the flood prevention and flood resistance and flood resistance and flood resistance and flood resistance and flood prevention and flood prevention and flood prevention headquarters, and launched a level III response in Lintan County's "Flood Control and Flood Resistance Emergency Plan". The division of labor and cooperation of various departments, organizing rescue teams to rush to the emergency rescue area in the flood threat area.

During the exercise, the division of labor in each department was clear, each performed the duties, and carefully operated according to the emergency plan, based on actual combat, and carried forward the spirit of flood prevention and rescue of "not afraid of danger, dare to win, perform loyalty to perform duties, and be brave."

He Jinhong pointed out in the comments that the exercise content is scientific, command, orderly, and smoothly connected, showing the good state of facing the flood conditions in all units, and exercising the coordination and emergency response ability to deal with the danger of emergencies. The purpose of the inspection plan, exercise team, and running -in mechanism.

He Jinhong emphasized that the whole county must comprehensively comprehensively comprehensively suppress the responsibility of flood prevention and flood resistance, and continue to carry out hidden dangers and various types of flood prevention and emergency drills in flood season to promote improvement. The work grasped and grasped, and welcomed the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Through this exercise, the awareness of the flood prevention safety of cadres and the masses has been improved, and the operability of flood prevention plans and emergency measures has been tested, and the rapid reaction, emergency rescue, collaborative operations and comprehensive guarantee capabilities of flood prevention and rescue teams have been further strengthened.

Zhu Xiaojun, deputy director of the Comprehensive Affairs Center of Lintan County Emergency Bureau:

The emergency drill of flood prevention and flood resistance aims to further improve the county's flood prevention consciousness and self -rescue and escape ability during the flood season, test the rationality and operability of the county's "Flood Control and Flood Resistance Emergency Plan", and exercise the county's flood prevention and rescue team emergency teams. The ability to set aside and accumulates the experience of flood prevention and flood resistance. Through this emergency exercise, the coordination ability and actual combat level of the members of the flood prevention and drought resistance commands are effectively improved, while at the same time, the awareness of disaster prevention and disaster avoidance of the people of the general public is enhanced.

Lintan County Fire Rescue Brigade full -time firefighters Min Haibo, Wang Yinping, Ma Haigui, Qi Junlin:

We will use sweat and blood to practice the oath of "loyalty to the party, strict discipline, go to the fire, and be kind to the people".

Book of Niu Qinfeng, Puzangshi Village, Shu Bu Township, Lintan County:

Through this emergency exercise, the awareness of emergency avoidance of the people in our village has been comprehensively enhanced, and the losses caused by the flood disasters to the greatest extent have been reducing the losses brought by the flood disasters, and a vivid practice course for the people of our village.

Reporter Ding Hailong/Wu Yufang

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