Six Panswater: "Three Find" and "Three Delica" expand market entities to increase employment

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.07.08

Since the beginning of this year, the Employment Department of Liupan Water Market has treated the concept of "employment is the biggest people's livelihood". Through strengthening employment priority policies and implementing various stable employment measures, the city's employment and entrepreneurship level has maintained overall stability. According to statistics, from January to May this year, the city's urban and town employed 28,594 people, promoting the realization of 3,108 reinforcements.

Liupanshui City has carried out a series of decision -making and deployment that supports market entities through bailout and difficulties. Three free "services, promote the expansion of the total market entity and improve quality to drive employment, and achieve obvious results. As of now, there are currently 249,900 market entities in the city, an increase of 10.7%year -on -year, and the absorption has carried out nearly 750,000 urban and rural labor employment and entrepreneurship.

Through social security reduction to reduce the burden on the enterprise, the Employment Department of Liupanshui Market should do a good job of the "addition and subtraction method" of stabilizing posts and expansion. By continuing to implement the policy of reducing unemployment insurance rates, the unemployment insurance rate is reduced from a benchmark rate of 3%to the current execution of 1%. From January to May this year, the city reduced the cumulative unemployment insurance rate of 143 million yuan. Implementing a stable and returning policy, and continuing to implement the reflection policy of the stabilization of inclusive unemployment insurance for non -layoffs and layoffs. It is expected that the city's stabilized post will involve 2,760 enterprises this year, benefiting 120,000, and the return amount of more than 30 million yuan.

In addition, the Employment Department of Liupanshui City has made every effort to build a platform for entrepreneurial service carrier by strengthening entrepreneurial support. In strengthening the support of entrepreneurial financing, Liupanshui took the lead in launching the "one -stop" service of entrepreneurial guarantee loans in the province to achieve one -time acceptance, inspection, and loan lending, and opened up the "last mile" between entrepreneurs and political and silver services. According to statistics, from January to May this year, a total of 250 million yuan was issued, 1,514 people were supported, and 2,464 employed employment was driven, and social investment was 438 million yuan.

The city strengthened the construction of an entrepreneurial platform, and promoted the construction of entrepreneurial incubation demonstration bases, migrant workers' entrepreneurial platforms, and employment assistance workshops (bases) through orderly promotion of entrepreneurial incubation demonstration bases. Demonstration sites, accumulated 18,937 employment; identified 88 employment assistance workshops (bases), and attracted 8,813 employment. At the same time, through entrepreneurial support policies, from January to May this year, 144 subsidies were distributed 1.7507 million yuan.

In the next step, the Employment Department of Liupanshui City will continue to strengthen policy implementation, stabilize employment and entrepreneurship, and help solve problems in large, middle, small, micro -enterprise financing, social security, and talent training to further improve the efficiency of policy implementation. At the same time, further strengthen vocational skills training, enhance the employment and entrepreneurial ability of workers, and accurately carry out various types of vocational training by fully mobilizing various types of enterprises and private training institutions to organize college graduates, rural transfer labor, laid -off unemployed personnel, corporate employees and other groups Actively carry out skills training before work, entrepreneurship, and new apprenticeship, and strive to carry out 36,500 people (times) for various vocational skills training this year. (Sun Weidong)

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