Connect four districts!This subway line in Wuhan is here

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.08

Recently, a number of netizens consulted on the message board of Wuhan City

Planning and construction progress of Metro Line 19

Good news is here!

Subway Line 19 officially bidding

Recently, the official website of Wuhan Public Resources Exchange Center issued the "Wuhan Rail Transit Line 19 Engineering Rail Project Construction Supervision" bidding announcement. The scope of this bidding is the construction supervision of the project rail project of Rail 19 of Wuhan City.

According to the announcement issued by the Wuhan Public Resources Trading Center, the project No. 19 of the project rail traffic starts at Wuhan Railway Station, and the starting point is reserved to the north. , Candidate Yang Chunhu's sub -center, Qingshan District Wudong, Guliva District, Huashan Ecological City, and Optics Valley Central City, stopped at Gaosin Second Road Station and reserved the conditions to the south. The total length of the line is about 23.3km. All underground stations.

The line direction diagram.

It is reported that Metro Line 19 is a fast rail transit line that serves Donghu High -tech Zone and high -speed rail stations. The design speed is 120 km/h, and 140 km/h. The starting point of Metro Line 19 is Wuhan Railway Station, and transferred to Metro Line 4, Line 5 and Planning Metro Line 10 to transfer. The road station and planning line 13 interchange, the line passes 4 districts in Hongshan District, Qingshan District, Donghu Scenic Area, and Donghu High -tech Zone. After the subway line is completed and opened to traffic, the traffic can be strengthened, the connectedness of the rail network of the East Lake High -tech Zone will be enhanced, and the establishment of the East of the East of Wuhan will be accelerated.

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(Editorial editor of the Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client: Zhao Lening part of the information Source: Wuhan Public Resources Trading Center website)

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