[Stunning] Huadu reproduces Tilian!Summer appreciation is here, super beautiful ~

Author:Today's Huadu Time:2022.06.13

"The lotus leaf Luo skirt is tailored, and the hibiscus opens to both sides of the face"

The gorgeous lotus flowers bloom quietly everywhere

Form as a painting scenery

Come and enjoy the lotus with Xiaobian ~

Zizheng Doctor Temple

Before the Temple of Zizheng

More than 2,000 square meters of lotus ponds

Large blockbuster lotus leaves are covered with lake

Middle layers of lotus leaves

Powder, white lotus

(Photography: Zhu Haojun)

Some are buds to be placed, pink and tender

Some buds are blooming, tender stamens condensed beads

There are also stamens blooming, beautiful and moving

(Photography: Zhu Haojun)

It also shocked a precious "Tutian"

Make tourists full of eyes

(Photography: Zhu Haojun)

Come looking for it

This "Lotus Lotus" is Tibetan

Where is it ~

(Photography: Zhu Haojun)

Breeze Xi, drizzle and hazy

The lotus pond rises a microwave, and the lotus sways lightly

Fragrant fragrance comes

Lotus with a variety of states

The Temple Doctor Temple with the characteristics of Lingnan

Attracted a lot of photography enthusiasts to watch and take pictures

Lotus is competing to bloom

(Photography: Zhu Haojun)

Xiuquan Street Qishan Village

With the construction of beautiful villages

The picturesque beauty can also be appreciated in the countryside

Entering Qishan Village, Xiuquan Street

More than 10 acres of lotus ponds have already put on a lotus clothing

Lianye Tian Tian on the water

The tender green stems hold the buds

Tingling, elegant posture

Blooming lotus swaying in the wind

Putting up the gesture, which is intoxicated

Lotus is competing to bloom

(Photography: Zhu Haojun)

Summer is here

In the hot summer, find a place with lotus flowers

Sit down and watch quietly, it's very comfortable

Appreciate this flower world quickly ~

Source: Huadu District Rong Media Center

Photo: Rosasa, Zhang Bin correspondent Deng Haowen

Video: Rosasa, Zhang Bin, Zhu Haojun, Xiang Shang

Edit: Hua Xiaomeng

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