[Learn and implement the spirit of the 14th Provincial Party Congress] Guazhou strengthens the const

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.06.13

Since the beginning of this year, the Guizhou County Public Security Bureau has comprehensively strengthened the construction of the public security team around the key areas of political construction, quality police, publicity police, and the police's key areas, adhered to multi -dimensional hair power, simultaneous advancement, and inspired the fighting spirit in learning and practical understanding. In order to solve the worries of the people, practice the initial heart of the police and show the responsibility of the mission in the quality and empowerment of the people.

Political Police

"Plus" the power of casting the soul

The Guizhou County Public Security Bureau takes the monthly theoretical learning center group (expanded) meeting, weekly learning conference, monthly branch "three meetings and one lesson" as the starting point, and continuously improves the police's political judgment, political understanding, and political execution power Essence

Consolidate the achievements of party history learning and education, continue to carry out typical activities of loyalty education and tree cultivation, and use theoretical soberness to promote political firmness, and strive to forge the public security iron army, which is loyal to the party, serving the people, law enforcement justice, and strict discipline.

It will receive red education as an important part of enhanced party spirit. Organize the Minu and Auxiliary Police to go to the Red Education Base of the Campaign Memorial Museum of the Red West Road Army Anxi Campaign Memorial Museum, Mushroom Channel, and Red Willow Garden Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery. Education of ideals and beliefs, education and guidance of the police inherit the red gene, and draw on forge ahead.

Strong police officer

"Reduce" the difficulties of performing their duties

The bureau adheres to the combination of political standards and actual performance orientation, and runs the requirements of practical combatant requirements and combat effectiveness standards throughout the process of police education and training. In accordance with the principle of appropriate personnel and appropriate personnel, set up a business training plan that matches the police and adapts to the police to fully tap The police's own value and improve the quality of the police.

Implement the "rotation rotation value, combat training one" physical training model, and regularly organize police officers of police stations to the synthetic combat center for rotation training, adhere to the training in the training, promote the training with war, and focus on solving the police's "ability panic".

When the law enforcement rights and interests of the police are infringed, they will report to the County Public Security Bureau as soon as possible, and actively coordinate the relevant departments to launch the police rights protection mechanism, crack down on the infringement behavior in accordance with laws and regulations, and publicize the situation to the public through public security WeChat in a timely manner. At the same time, strengthen the equipment and replacement of safety protection equipment and expires, and equip the civilian auxiliary police with strong and equipped police equipment and epidemic prevention protection equipment to improve police protection capabilities.

Propaganda plastic police

"Multiplier" is based on the trend of honor

In accordance with the concept of "telling first -line stories and showing a first image", the bureau vigorously carry out the "propaganda offensive", use traditional media and new media, release positive energy to the maximum extent, strive to tell the story of the Guazhou Police Force, display new public security work in multiple dimensions, and multi -dimensional display new public security work. Performance and new image of the team.

Give full play to the role of "lit a light and illuminate a large area", create advanced models such as the Liuyuan Public Security Inspection Station, and select the "Star Avenue" in the police camp to choose the "Starlight Avenue" in the police camp. Police a strong atmosphere.

Carry out the "on -site award" activity. After the police have won the award and won the honor, they will send the commendation and reward to the prize to the subject by sending the awards to the job, sending the prize to the home. , A sense of honor.

Out of preferential treatment

"Except" worries

The bureau adheres to political care, mental inspiration, care for work, and compassionate life. On the basis of the preferential treatment measures, the county public security bureau actively strives for various pensions, condolences, and rescue funds from the local party committee and government. The diseases and people's difficulties have been rescued, and the police's medical examinations are regularly organized to lay a solid team guarantee for the efficient operation of public security work.

Adhere to the scientific police and arrange daily service reasonably. For the characteristics of people with a small number of people at the grassroots level, if the police cannot rest on holidays due to major security work, duty, and other assault services. Let the police "work hard and not suffer.

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