"Rescue of life and death" is actually a ridiculous farce -the man who has been in directed by the man to perform the case is detained for ten days

Author:Volkswagen Time:2022.07.08

Volkswagen · Poster Journalist Liu Shuang Correspondent Wang Yuwen Yu Siyu Weihai reports

At 20 o'clock on July 4th, the Weihai Public Security Bureau's Crown Police Station received a call from a police call from Jilin Tonghua, saying that he received a video from the nephew Moumou. In the video, Mu Mou was beaten naked. There were many bruises on his body. The man claimed that Mou had owed money. If the family did not pay the money for him, he killed Mou.

After receiving the police, the Crown Police Station immediately organized personnel to rush to the scene according to the clues provided by the alarm, but the police did not find Mou after arriving at the scene. Subsequently, the police called Mou's mobile phone to find that Mu Mou could answer the phone normally. However, Mu Mou claimed that someone had guarded him that he did not allow him to leave and refuse to provide himself, and said that he had a criminal act to worry about being treated by the police.

Mu's behavior caused the police's doubts, but considering Mu Mou's "bruising" in the video, the police did not dare to take it lightly to continue to find out overnight. Under the cooperation of each department, they finally found Mu's hotel. At this time At 5 am on July 5th, I was exhausted overnight but did not dare to have a trace of neglecting the police to find immediately, but Mu refused to open the door and said that he was too stressful. Patiently persuaded Mu to open the door of the hotel room. After the police entered, they found that only Mou had, and no one else was present. The police then brought Mu to the police station.

Faced with the police's inquiry, Mu always said that he was beaten because of owed money, but his words were flashing and contradictions. The content of Mu is self -directed and self -directed, and the scars on the body are painted. The person who beat himself in the video is a friend who deceived the video on the grounds of making a video. Pocket money, but did not want to make it clumsy.

In order to "rescue" Mou, the police forces at the Crown Police Station went all out to go to time to sleep, and fought for 12 hours in a row. At present, Mu Mou was detained by the Public Security Bureau for ten days and fined 200 yuan for the case of the case of the case.

Police reminder

According to Article 60 (2) of the "Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China": forged, concealed, destroyed evidence or provided false testimony, and reported cases, which affects administrative law enforcement agencies in accordance with law, detained Fined fines of less than 500 yuan.

The 110 alarm platform is an important channel for maintaining public security and ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. It is illegal to report the case and even maliciously call harassment. Let people who really need it get timely rescue.

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