State inspection team went to Maqu County to inspect the epidemic prevention and control, the vaccination work of the new crown virus vaccine

Author:Mystery Maqu Time:2022.07.08

On July 7, Li Zhongying, the leader of the Discipline Inspection Team of the State Discipline Inspection Commission, and the leader of the Discipline Inspection Team of the State Health and Health Commission, and the third inspection team and the third inspection team went to our county to inspect and guide the prevention and control of the epidemic and vaccination. The inspection team went to the People's Hospital of Maqu County, the People's Government of Nima Town, and the Sanbi Multi -Traffic Inspection and Quarantine Points of Awancang Town to supervise the prevention and control of the epidemic and the vaccination of the new crown vaccine, and held a feedback meeting for inspection.

Li Zhongying pointed out that vaccination is an important way to build a national immune barrier. All levels and departments at all levels should effectively improve their political standing, effectively strengthen their responsibilities, and effectively strengthen cooperation to ensure the safety and health of the people; keep an eye on the goal; Mission requirements, further do a good job of publicity and launch, responsibility implementation, dispatch and guarantee, etc., consolidate the results of the prevention and control of the epidemic, ensure that the implementation of all aspects of the vaccination work in accordance with the requirements is required to focus on the implementation of the vaccination work. Real epidemic prevention and control of the responsibilities of all parties, strengthen organizational leadership, and adhere to the prevention and control, scientific prevention and control, joint prevention and control in accordance with the law. It is necessary to strictly follow the principles of territoriality and grid management to implement various epidemic prevention and control measures.

Li Jianxin, deputy head of the county government, said that Maqu County will take this supervision as an opportunity to fully implement the spirit of the conference, further correct the attitude, and cherish the only effective time left, find the crux of the problem, innovate methods and methods, give it all to complete the way The power of the county, concentrated the spirit, integrate force, adopt super routine measures, conducts pressure layers, compacts the responsibility, pay close attention to the vaccination work, fully reverse the passive backward situation, and ensure that the vaccination work task is completed on schedule. The first is to improve ideological understanding. Unified thoughts and actions to the decision -making and deployment of the state party committee and the state government on vaccination work, with a high degree of political consciousness and a highly responsible attitude towards the party and the people, to accelerate the progress of vaccination work in all ages. Work arrears and go all out to promote vaccination. The second is to pay close attention to work implementation. The main leaders must get started, ask in person, deploy them, and urge themselves. Especially for difficult groups such as elderly people over 60 years of age, disabled people, etc., we will take measures such as on -site services, health tracking, improvement of accounts, and confirming information. , Complete the vaccination task as soon as possible. The third is to change the work style. Establish a "one game of chess" thinking, continuously enhance the political awareness, disciplinary consciousness, and responsibility awareness, effectively change the concept of thinking, continue to strengthen the management of the goal task list and the county -level leadership package to ensure the completion of vaccination tasks on schedule.

The heads of the leading group and relevant departments of the leading group of the new crown pneumonia are accompanied by the head of the leadership group and relevant departments accompanied the inspection.

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