Multiple departments have built the "nine inaccurate" issues of clue collection channels

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.08

Press conference on the joint control mechanism of the State Council. Xinhua News Agency reporter Peng Yunjia

Cheng Youquan, deputy director of the Supervision Bureau of the National Health and Health Commission, introduced at the press conference of the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism on July 8. At present, the 12 member units of the "layer of overweight" issues of the State Council joint defense joint control mechanism comprehensive group Establishing channel collection channels through the portal portal website or announcement of complaint telephones.

These 12 units include the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Health and Health Commission, the General Administration of Customs, the Market Supervision Bureau Iron Group.

In addition, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have also established problems with clues to collect channels. If the masses encounter simplified epidemic prevention and control, "one -size -fits -all" and "layers of layers", they can pass the relevant relevant problems. Complaints from departments or local websites and telephones, relevant departments and provinces will transfer to the office in a timely manner to track and supervise localities to effectively solve the problems reflected by the masses.

He introduced that the website of the National Health and Health Commission has opened the "nine inaccurate" public message boards to implement the epidemic prevention and control. From June 28th to July 6th, a total of 13,916 information was received, involving 31 provinces across the country (district , City) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, both transferred to local inspections in a timely manner.

With the tracking and supervision of the special class of the "layer layer", the on -site supervision of the 31 working groups and the provinces continued to rectify the "Ninth Edition Prevention and Control Plan", and the number of complaints declined day by day.

In the next stage, the National Health and Health Commission will continue to promote the special rectification work, and continue to do a good job of collecting clues, transfer to verification, tracking and supervision, and exposure in accordance with the work mechanism of the "layer layer" special class to achieve comprehensive collection of collection , Timely transfer, verify, resolutely rectify, properly resolve the "nine inaccurate" related issues, and effectively protect the interests of the people. (Reporter Peng Yunjia, Wen Jinghua)

[Editor in charge: Zhang Yongsu]

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