The tax refund policy is "refueling" for transportation companies

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.08

The annual passenger volume has reached 120 million bus companies. Due to the changes in the situation and the changes in citizens' travel habits, the lowest operating income was only 30%of the previous valley. Actively innovate and explore how to solve the "last mile" of people's travel.

Taxi companies, which are affected by the epidemic, are full of confidence in the prospects because they are reserved for tax refund to relieve their dilemma. On the road to steady development, the tax refund policy injects "living water" because of the tax refund policy, and decides to increase the research and development efforts of enterprises.

"The tax refund policy is a 'refueling' in the transportation industry!" Said the financial staff of a public transportation company. According to relevant data, in the first May of this year, a total of 35.64 billion yuan of tax refund payments were returned to 41,000 taxpayers in Guangzhou.

Bus enterprise: Removal tax refund to relieve the urgent urgency

Urban public transportation is a basic transportation service for the public. The changes in cities and the times have put forward higher requirements on the layout of the public transport line network, and also make public transportation companies face more challenges. "Before the epidemic, our vehicle configuration, line network configuration, etc. meet the actual needs at the time, and the epidemic comes, we do encounter a lot of difficulties." Zhou Linhua, deputy secretary and deputy general manager of Guangzhou Xinsu Bus Co., Ltd. The changes in citizens' travel habits have caused sharp decline in corporate operating income. In the most extreme, operating income is only 30%before the epidemic; at the same time In addition to fixed expenditures such as vehicle repayment and employee salary, in accordance with the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic, a large amount of human and material resources have also been invested, which also increases operating costs accordingly.

Tax personnel explain the tax policy on the "Tax Huichun Wind" bus line.

Xinsui Bus was established in 1994. It operates 41 conventional bus lines and 36 citizen lines in Guangzhou. There are more than 800 operating bus vehicles and bus lines in total operation of 1200 kilometers, and annual passenger volume of 120 million passengers. Nowadays, due to the tension of funds and facing development problems, ensuring the normal operation of enterprises has become its top priority.

After the tax refund policy was introduced, the Baiyun District Taxation Bureau first thought of the public transport enterprise of the people's livelihood, and the tax personnel of the Huangshi Tax Office went deep into the enterprise to understand the retention tax. At the end of the period of retention tax, the organization organized a special person to conduct policy explanations at Xinsui Bus, and timely answer the relevant questions about retention tax refund. Counseling enterprises handle business through the "non -contact" tax channels to handle the tax refund at the fastest speed. Xinsuba quickly received the tax refund.

"The activation of an enterprise is the problem of capital flow. This tax refund can greatly alleviate the problem of corporate turnover. We are confident to get out of the predicament with the help of the traffic bureau, the tax bureau and other relevant departments." Zhou Linhua told reporters that it will continue to conduct bus in the future The deployment and expansion of the line network, and consider how to innovate to meet the people's travel needs. Today, in order to solve the "last mile" of the people's travel, 36 people have opened 36 people, mainly concentrated in Baiyun District, and partly spread all over Tianhe, Liwan, Haizhu and other areas.

"In my opinion, the residents of the urban village in the city can not only fill the gaps of conventional buses, but also in line with the trend of long -term and small changes in urban traffic optimization." For supplement, the combination of the two can be more fully and effectively use road resources. 'Internet+' is also the development direction of public transportation.

Taxi company: prepare both hands, keep survival, seek development

"Although the epidemic has a great impact on the taxi industry, the reserved tax refund has relieved our predicament." Zou Weijun, director and general manager of Guangzhou Yifu Taxi Co., Ltd., is full of confidence in the prospect. "We have done both hands well. Prepare to survive and seek development. "

The reporter learned that due to the decrease in passenger capacity, the income of the driver of the rich taxi drivers fell by about 30%. Because the company's driver left the taxi industry, Fufu reduced a large proportion of costs for the driver, so that their income could be maintained at about 5,000 yuan/month. "Since the epidemic, we have reduced 15.62 million yuan for the driver, but at the same time, the burden transferred to the company is very difficult to operate."

The support of tax policies has solved the problem. It is understood that from January to February 2022, companies enjoyed a value-added tax exemption of 620,000 yuan. In March, the tax refund was reserved at 110,000 yuan. It is expected that the value-added tax reduction will be 3.75 million yuan. Prior to this, in 2020, the company had enjoyed 3.82 million yuan in value -added tax and 1.04 million yuan in 2021.

"Behind each driver is a family, the company can maintain normal operation and operation, and these families can live as usual." Zou Weijun introduced that Baiyun District is a concentrated area for taxi companies, especially private SMEs. Enjoy the different amount of tax reduction and exemption policies, "with these real gold and silver, I hope everyone can cross the difficulty."

In addition to keeping the company's rice bowl of more than 1,300 drivers, Zou Weijun is still planning to "grow bigger and stronger": "Only by operating a certain scale can we reduce costs, reduce the cost of drivers, and create greater profits." At present, the company is from this company. 700-800 taxis, with nearly 900 taxi licenses at the same time. Soon after the epidemic occurred, he began to gradually launch new cars. The future goal is to double the current number. Essence "In the past, the focus of the industry was to control the driver, and now it is good service." Zou Weijun said, "I personally optimize the future of online car rental, and the current rental industry is also reforming. Can integrate. "" Tax Huichunfeng "bus line.

Online car rental platform: "Removal tax refund injected us 'live water'"

Affected by the epidemic, travel methods have become a hot topic that many citizens are concerned about. Some online car rental platforms have stated that multiple measures are actively dealing with each other. The platform is developing steadily, and the recent tax refund policy has injecting "living water" for the development of the enterprise. The commercialization of driving operation.

Ruqi, which was launched in June 2019, covered the five major sections of express vehicles, enterprises, ride -ride, rear service, and Robotaxi, focusing on the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area market, and now entered 7 cities including Guangzhou. After the introduction of the new combined tax support policy in 2022, Recently, Ruqi went to the bank to enjoy the VAT tax refund policy, with a total tax refund of more than 3 million yuan.

"After the introduction of the New Deal, we happen to meet the conditions of enjoyment. Our competent tax bureau Huangpu District (Guangzhou Development Zone) Taxation Bureau of the Taxation Bureau to promote the specific content of policies to us through live broadcasts and WeChat groups." In addition, the Taxation Bureau of Huangpu District also conducted a special guidance on qualified enterprises: "From how to declare, to the details of the entire policy, tax personnel have explained." Liang Huimin said that live broadcast preaching is still a relatively new propaganda method. Essence "The Huangpu District Taxation Bureau preach the policy to us through online training. It is very clear and clear. After listening to it, I know how to operate it." Not only that, the Huangpu District Taxation Bureau also established a fine service WeChat group There are tax personnel and some enterprises in the group. "The tax bureau will regularly share taxes and fees in the group, including some policy details reminders, or they will see good articles related to tax related to the group, you can learn to ask questions in it." There are nearly 500 companies in her group. The group is active in interaction, and it is very convenient to learn tax knowledge.

For the entire tax refund process, Liang Huimin summarized the words "convenient" and "fast". "The entire tax refund process is very smooth. We are submitted on Friday, May 27th, and the taxes will be issued soon. And it is relatively simple in terms of required information. (Counter) Tax Application Form, use the system pre -filling function, and do not even need to fill in the data, just verify the confirmation and submission. "Liang Huimin told reporters that it can be handled on the Internet that it is also very convenient.

Liang Huimin said that the retention of enterprises was mainly due to the cost of the operation process. The tax refund over 3 million yuan is a lot of development funds for enterprises. "After the new policy of value -added tax reserved tax refund has begun, companies like our travel industry can enjoy a large amount of tax refund. We can apply this tax refund to the daily operations of the enterprise, including increasing research and development intensity. We still have a great significance. "Liang Huimin told reporters.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Lin Lin, Lu Mengqian Tu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Liao Xueming Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Zhang Yingwu

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