Driver training team of Gansu Forest Fire Corps practiced driving skills

Author:Gansu Forest Fire Time:2022.07.08

In order to meet the needs of the team's emergency guarantee under the new system and the new situation, further grasp the driver's professional skills to improve, and effectively enhance the team's special weather emergency transportation guarantee capabilities. Recently, the team driver training team participated in the scorching sun, fighting cool summer and hard work. Driving skills.

If you want to be good, you must first benefit your instrument. The driver training team formulated a training plan for the scientific science of Sanfu Sky, and the pile test, side parking, slopes fixed -point parking and starting of the second middle of the subject, driving through unilateral bridges, curve, right -angle turning, passing wide doors, narrow roads, narrow roads, narrow roads, narrow roads Turn off, simulate highways, continuous curve mountain roads, tunnels, simulation rainwood pavements, simulated wet slippery sections, emergency treatment and other 14 subjects for strengthening training. At present, it is the three volts, the average temperature is 35 ° C, the ground temperature reaches 50 ° C, and the temperature in the car reaches 42 ° C. Methods and methods to strengthen training for 14 subjects in subject two to ensure that the driver's driving skills have a hard change of driving skills. During the period, the driver who accepted slowly often took the training at noon and at night, and strived to catch up with the overall training progress of the team. The driver training team combined with the hot weather, providing Huoxiangzhengqi water and watermelon for trainees to prevent the driver from heat stroke, and to create a good learning environment for the driver participating drivers.

Through this training, the driver's skill level was further improved, while adding fresh blood to the grass -roots driver team, filling the shortcomings of the driver's insufficient.

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