Korla Airport's cargo and postal throughput exceeded 1,000 tons in June

Author:Korla Rong Media Center Time:2022.07.08

On June 29, 2022, the cargo and postal throughput of Korla Airport exceeded 1,000 tons. This is the first time that the Corla Airport's single -monthly delivery volume in 2022 exceeded 1,000 tons.

Faced with the severe challenges brought by the new coronary pneumonia's epidemic to air freight business, Korla Airport's critical search and multiple measures to maintain the positive growth of cargo and postal throughput. Farmers form a point -to -point cooperation model; actively coordinate the airline company to maximize the use of flight loads under the premise of ensuring safe operation to improve the utilization rate of abdominal cabin; continue to open 2022 "agricultural and sideline products and freight classes" Flight capacity, further open up the aviation logistics channel in Xinjiang region, and present local agricultural and sideline products in Bazhou in the most perfect state in the mainland consumer market; do a good job of aviation guarantee, build a sunshade in the freight air -side area Time to reduce the loss rate of agricultural and sideline products, and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of protection; improve service quality, and improve the customer service experience according to flights to the warehouse out of the warehouse. As of June 29, 2022, a total of 1001 tons were completed in June. Korla Airport Cargo Station has achieved positive results in promoting the rebound of the air freight market economy through standardized and refined management.

In the future, Korla will continue to make efforts to give full play to the strategic role of the "Inner Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Hub" aviation network. While carrying out the prevention and control of normalized epidemic, actively coordinate with local governments and airlines, accelerate the expansion of freight business, and continuously push out new. Deliven to build fresh fruit transportation brands, expand the types of fresh fruit products, lay the foundation for improving the total amount of cargo and posts throughout the year. Korla Airport will adhere to his own position and make persistent efforts. While practically prevent control and control measures, ensure the safety of operation, accelerate the comprehensive recovery of the air freight market, continuously optimize the process of cargo and postal protection, improve the efficiency of goods and postal protection, improve the quality of freight station service, ensure that In 2022, the cargo and postal throughput of Korla Airport made a great achievement.

Reporter Sun Shihan Correspondent Meng Xiaoyu Baiyu

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