7 -day kernel acid negative proof replaced "48 hours"!Many hospitals in Qingdao issued the latest medical notice

Author:Qingdao Daily Time:2022.07.08

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News July 8th. Today, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Qingdao Women's Children's Hospital, Qingdao Central Hospital and other hospitals issued a notice. According to the latest epidemic prevention and control work requirements, they should enter medical institutions from now on.Checking the negative certificate of negative nucleic acid detection in 7 days, replaced the requirements for the previous requiring 48 -hour nucleic acid negative proof.

In addition, the Municipal Women's and Children's Hospital reminds the public that if there is a history of residence in the epidemic area within 7 days, and a history of contact with outside provinces, all nucleic acid testing will be performed.For other cases, please refer to the epidemic prevention and control policy.Inpatient patients and accompanying staff performed one nucleic acid test within 48 hours before admission (or within 24 hours of emergency patients).The city center hospital reminded patients to see that there were other low -risk areas where the county (city, district, and flag) where the mid -to -high risk zone was located within 7 days after 7 days after entering Lu to return to Lu Lu, 3 days of nucleic acid testing was conducted within 3 days.In other cases, refer to the epidemic prevention and control policy.(Qingdao Daily/Guanhai Journalist Guo Jingli)

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Figure: Jining City Photographers AssociationAuthor: Xue Zhaotian