"Luzhou" Xiangxian "new trick" makes Xiaoqing fruit more income "golden eggs"

Author:Tongxin Sichuan Time:2022.07.08

Right now is the season when the citrus is large. Since July, the thousand -acre citrus garden of Fangshan Village Cross -Shan Village Cross -Shan Village, Jiangyang District has become lively every day. While good weather, the villagers were sparming citrus. But unlike previous years, the young fruits that were sorted out did not throw away, but were made into Chinese medicinal materials after simply processed drying and sunburning.

Sparse flowers are important parts of citrus management. After the results of the flowers fall every year, only some fruits can be left on the tree to ensure that nutrients are sufficient. However, the fruits that have been dredged in previous years are pity. This year, in order to allow the citrus industry to maximize the benefits, Xiao Guanwei, a representative of the Xiangxian Xiangxian and Chairman of the Fangshan Village Collective Corporation in Jiangyang District, linked to the Chengdu Chinese medicinal materials acquirers in advance to broaden the citrus industry income chain. In accordance with the standards of the acquirer, the small green fruit from the fruit is categorized, becoming the raw material used by traditional Chinese medicine manufacturers to produce coriander shells.

It is understood that citrus has a variety of effects such as smooth qi, cough, stomach, phlegm, swelling, pain, relieving liver and qi, and is a good Chinese medicinal material. Xiao Guanwei saw business opportunities, went to Chengdu to connect with the connection, found the buyer, and signed the acquisition contract. "These little green fruits that were dredged in the past two years were thrown away as fertilizers in the soil. This year, the fruits of thousands of acres of citrus gardens of our village collective company can sell money and increase the income of the growers." Xiao Guanwei said.

"Merchants have specifications for the size of the small citrus." Xiao Guanwei said: "The quality of less than 1.2 cm in diameter of this fruit is the best quality, which can be sold for 10 yuan/jin, followed by 1.2 cm to 2 cm. By 8 yuan/jin ... "In the courtyard dam of drying green citrus fruit, Xiao Guanwei checked the quality of the small green fruit of the drying small green fruit, and it was still the economic account: the collective company has now planted 1,000 acres of citrus, and each acre was dredged by dredging each acre 70 pounds of small green fruit is exposed to 20 pounds of dried green fruit and 8 yuan per catty. The average of 160 yuan per mu can be obtained. The entire citrus garden in Fangshan Village can achieve a dry fruit income of 160,000 yuan.

In the past, the citrus small green fruit that was thrown in the orchard was used. Under the influence of the wisdom of Xiangxian and the needle -piercing lead, it has now become a rich fruit that people in Fangshan Village are seeing people, and have explored a new path for the development of the collective economy of the village.

(Supply of the Jiangyang District Rong Media Center, Jiangyang District, Jiangyang District Commission)

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