Will the pork mixed porridge that swept the Pearl River Delta be the next air outlet of catering entrepreneurship?

Author:Red dining net Time:2022.07.08

Since the beginning of this year, a large number of fresh -cut pig mixed porridge shops have suddenly appeared in the Pearl River Delta regions such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, and Foshan. This summer, is the pork mixed porridge bursting again? Will this be the next air outlet of catering entrepreneurs?

The cleaning sausage, pork liver, pork waist, pig heart ... with the carefully selected rice, the clean rice is rolled. The hot milk white porridge water blends with fresh pigs, and finally sprinkle a piece of wolfberry leaves. With a sip of belly, rice fragrant meat is fresh.

If you are an old Guangzhou, or a Guangfu gourmet enthusiast, you must know that the food described by Jun is a pig porridge.

Preferably observation found that since this year, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan and other Pearl River Delta areas have begun to emerge in a large number of fresh -cut pig mixed porridge shops. And the decoration has become a "new favorite" for local consumers for supper. At one or two in the morning, many people are still waiting.

Pig porridge, is it going to be hot? Will this become the next air outlet of catering entrepreneurs?

△ Picture Source: Red Food Network Photo

From the street to branding, pork mixed porridge blooms in the Pearl River Delta area

Pig miscellaneous, on the Cantonese dining table, can be said to have an unshakable position. Pig mixed porridge is the deliciousness of Guangfu gourmet enthusiasts late at night.

Preferred Jun learned that as the "daily item" of Cantonese, pig mixed porridge generally exists in the following two consumer scenarios before branding:

First, in the old shops that have been cultivated for decades or more for decades or more. These stores generally exist on the gear stalls on the street. After many years of precipitation, they often have their own stable consumer groups, and they will also be able to, and they will also have their own stable consumer groups. There are a group of loyal customers who come to the store to eat pork mixed porridge.

The second is to exist in Guangdong porridge shop, Cantonese tea building, or in the streets and community couple fast food restaurants, just like the previous sauerkraut fish and grilled fish as a dish in the Sichuan restaurant.

Until the past two years, a large number of entrepreneurs began to optimize pig mixed porridge, set up a brand alone as a category, and run the horse through direct business and franchise. Some brands even apply for national patent formula for their porridge porridge formulas.

△ Picture Source: Red Food Network Photo

For example, the current number of stores with the largest number of stores and the most widely distributed cities "Uncle Qiang is now cutting pigs and mixed porridge". It was established in 2020. As of preferred Jun Jun Publishing, Uncle Qiang has cut pigs and porridge in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Huizhou, Dongguan, Heyuan, and Heyuan, and Heyuan, and Heyuan, and Heyuan, and Heyuan, and Heyuan, and Heyuan, and Heyuan, and source, Meizhou, Jieyang, Shanwei and other places open 80+ homes.

At the same time as Uncle Qiang's portening porridge, it was established during the same period, as well as the brands such as Fulin, Uncle He, Uncle Wang, Uncle Coto, and Hua Ji and Li Ji.

According to the company's checking data, as of now, there are 583 companies in the industry and existence enterprises with "pig mixed porridge" as the keywords. Before 2020, there were only dozens of pig porridge registered enterprises. Since 2021, the registration volume of portening porridge companies exceeds hundreds. It was only half in 2022, and there were 118 related enterprises.

△ Data as of June 30, 2022

Preferably searched for pork miscellaneous porridge on the public comments of the Pearl River Delta regions such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, and Dongguan. Show the "new store" status.

Pig porridge is blooming in the Pearl River Delta at a speed of sprint.

Turn 15 rounds a day and 2 million yuan a year.

Although the process of the branding of pig mixed porridge has just started, the market response is not bad.

According to people familiar with the matter, when there is the hottest business of pig mixed porridge brands, it can go to a dozen rounds at the highest one day, which is the "traffic king" during the late night; The annual profit of the store is as high as 2 million.

Another industry insider also said that Uncle Qiang is now cutting pigs in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dongguan. The maximum turnover rate can go to 15 rounds, with a single month of a single month. When I went to some stores, I was still crowded.

△ Picture Source: Red Food Network Photo

Why can the business of pig mixed porridge brands popular? This is closely related to the characteristics of pork mixed porridge.

First, cost -effective, consumers have a strong sense of participation.

As we all know, pork mixed porridge pays attention to the fresh ingredients. After the old product was made, the pig's mixed porridge brand store almost moved the entire "pork shop" to the store. The bright red pig miscellaneous is divided into different categories according to the part, and a coded codes are neatly put, which causes a great visual impact to the passing diners, making fresh visibility and touching.

In addition, the past drinking porridge is a single person or a store with ingredients, but now many pork mixed porridge shops are selected for ingredients. Diners first choose pig miscellaneous pork miscellaneous, and then end to the "development platform" and give it to the master to cut After marinating, the diners are simply cooked by themselves after serving, which not only meets the customer's specialization needs, but also improves the sense of participation. The consumption experience has greatly improved.

△ Picture Source: Red Food Network Photo

Moreover, most of the per capita consumption of pig mixed porridge shops is between 30-50 yuan, which is undoubtedly a good choice for young people who have become more delicate but have strong social needs under the epidemic.

Second, the product line is rich, both men and women are suitable for young and old.

Most of the pork mixed porridge brands are also very thoughtful in product line design. In addition to classic products, pork miscellaneous porridge, many shops also provide different categories such as baking skewers, small fried, snacks, snacks But young and old should be salty. For example, when eating one person, you can simply make a piece of frying or steamed dumplings; when you dinner with your family and friends, you can choose snacks, dumplings or skewers and beer. Sit down in a place, and slowly eat a bowl of the most delicious cut pig mixed porridge. △ Picture Source: Red Food Network Photo

Is it worth chasing the pork porridge?

After the porridge porridge that was scattered on the streets of the streets, it seemed to be a good prospect from the market feedback, but in fact, there were also many problems with the pig's porridge track.

First, there are regional differences in consumer habits.

Although porridge has a history of thousands of years, with the change of the times and the differences in the region, there are different preferences for the tastes and varieties of porridge in different places. Waiting; northerners like sweet millet porridge, grain grain porridge, eight treasure porridge, etc.

△ Picture source: Photo.com

As a segment of raw porridge, pork porridge is still unfamiliar to people in the northern cities. Even northerners who have lived in Guangdong for many years have said that they still can't be interested in pig mixed porridge. In addition, pig miscellaneous pigs are lower water, and some people do not eat such foods at all. Therefore, the pig's mixed porridge brand wants to further expand the market, especially when it comes out of the Pearl River Delta region, there may still be some difficulty.

Secondly, the pig's mixed porridge brand is facing high homogeneity.

优选君走访发现,如今在市场上兴起的几个猪杂粥品牌,不管是强叔、旺叔还是柯记、华记、伏林哥,在品牌名称、视觉风格,甚至是特色卖点、口号、 The business model and other aspects are high.

In terms of brand names and decoration styles, Uncle Qiang, Uncle Wang, Uncle He ... There are no less than ten pig porridge brands that start with Uncle X. Their door vision is also very similar. Many brands use green signboards to put these The door of the brand is put together. If you do not distinguish it carefully, it is difficult to distinguish who is.

In terms of characteristic selling points, almost all the brands of pork jelly porridge emphasize that their characteristics are fresh and cut. Most of them say on the wall or on the signboards "Fresh and fresh cuts, free porridge bottoms, free processing, not fresh without money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money, no money. "Wait. And multiple brands call out the slogan that can be full for only 26 yuan per person.

△ Picture Source: Red Food Network Photo

In addition, their business models are also amazing. If you have been to these stores to dine, you will find that most of the pork mixed porridge brands adopt the model of "diners' self -selected ingredients+open kitchen".

From the perspective of preferred Jun, compared with market expansion, the brands of porridge porridge should be considered even more to consider how to get out of homogeneous "siege" and establish the brand's own unique moat.

Third, the competitors of the pig mixed porridge brand Ruyun.

The pig's porridge brand must not only face the competition of the entire porridge track, but also have to face competitors such as various street shops and stalls that only use pork mixed porridge as a dish.

From the perspective of the entire porridge track, around 2000, the porridge category has begun to develop brand chain. Brands such as Hongyuan, Ruxuan Seafood Casual Pot, Jiahe Yipin, etc., have already laid a piece of rivers and mountains that belong to themselves. Essence By 2012, Manling porridge and top porridge shop focusing on the Internet, accompanied by the East Wind of the Internet. Online porridge takeaway specialty stores bloomed everywhere. According to the statistics of hungry big data, in 2018 alone, the growth of online porridge takeaway stores has exceeded 20,000.

At the same time, it is not uncommon for portening porridge in various chain brands and portening porridge on the takeaway platform. Search for "pig miscellaneous porridge" in the Pearl River Delta regions such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Huizhou, and there are thousands of related merchants related to them.

In addition, in the supper scene where pork mixed porridge often appears, barbecue, crayfish, charcoal oysters, etc. have already become a "supper overlord".

There are already a group of mature chain brands on the track of the porridge, and the home of the pork mixed porridge — in the night economic market, there are more and more explosive products, and how much is left to the market space of the independent brand of pork mixed porridge?


The track of pig mixed porridge has no representative head brand at present, which is undoubtedly a major market opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to enter.

However, it should also be noted that as a "niche" food, there are also many problems facing pig porridge to expand the development of chain. Whether it can break the homogeneity, whether it can meet the needs of consumers in a wider range of regions, and on the road to entrepreneurship of pork mixed porridge, there are still many problems to be solved.

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