Japanese media: Abe died in the hospital after being shot and died in the hospital; who is the gunman?Why shoot?

Author:Jiefang Daily Time:2022.07.08

According to the Japanese Broadcasting Association reported on the 8th

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

After being shot in Nara City that day, he died in the hospital

Previously reported

Shinzo Abe still has consciousness when getting in an ambulance car

According to the Ministry of Fire of the Ministry of General Affairs of the Ministry of General Affairs, the right neck of the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was injured and bleed due to a shooting, and he also found the left schemine bleeding.

Cardiopulmonary function stopping refers to the heart stopping and no breathing. In Japan, if the injury's cardiopulmonary function stops, it cannot be confirmed that its "death" cannot be confirmed without the doctor's confirmation.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishi returned to Tokyo urgently

Abe was shot in Nara, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Yu returned to Tokyo urgently, and held a press conference in the Prime Minister's official residence.

Earlier, according to CCTV reports, Abe still had consciousness when he got on the ambulance, and now he has no life signs. Kishida Wenxiong made a speech saying that the doctor was trying to rescue Shinzo Abe.

Kishida also said, "I understand that Abe is in a severe state, and I sincerely pray that the former Prime Minister can keep his life."

Who is the gunman? Why shoot?

The Japanese media quoted local police sources that two gunfires rang from the scene at the time of the incident, and the police arrested a man on the spot with attempted murder. The man named Yamanaka, 41 years old, is a native of Nara. A firearm suspected to be used for murder was found at the scene.

According to Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun", Samaka is also a member of the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force.

Why shoot?

According to the NHK report, the police said in the motive of the suspect that the man was "dissatisfied with the former Prime Minister Abe just to kill him."

Lian Diqi, director of the Japan Research Center of Shanghai Foreign Studies University, said that from the perspective of existing information, it is more inclined to be more personal behavior caused by dissatisfaction with Abe's political views.

Zhang Boyu, deputy director of the Political Research Office of the Japan Institute of Social Sciences, also believes that the possibility of "personal behavior due to political views" is greater.

Zhang Boyu said that Abe is a very controversial prime minister in Japanese politics. Even after his abdication, his supporters and opponents are still very opposed. She believes that the gunman may come from Abe's opponent, but it is unlikely to come from "organized group behavior."

What is the impact?

Zhang Boyu believes that in the short term, the shooting will have a significant impact on the senior hospital elections held this weekend. At present, Japanese public opinion has reported the voice of delay in the election. The incident may lead to some voters who originally supported the opposition party to the Liberal Democratic Party.

Lian Degui said that the shooting may cause voters' tragedy psychology to politicians, or have a positive impact on the Liberal Democratic Party and Abe faction where Abe is located. "Maybe they have won some sympathy for them, but they are not of great significance to the results." Lian Degui pointed out that the outside world originally expected that the Liberal Democratic Party would win in this election, and the number of seats will increase.

In the long run, Abe's shot will shock to Japanese politics.

Zhang Boyu pointed out that this may lead to an increase in the risk of "Abe" internal division. In November last year, Abe has just taken over the President of the Liberal Democratic Party, "Abe". "Once he falls down, who will take over this place in the faction is very important. There is no candidate for expectations."

Lian Degui said the incident would crack down on Japanese rightist. "As the representative of the right, Abe, without Abe's Liberal Democratic Party, will be caught in a situation where the dragons are not headed."

According to Japanese media reports, at 2:30 pm on the 8th local time, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshiong made a speech on Abe's shooting. Kishida said that Abe was seriously injured after being shot, and he strongly condemned the shooting incident.

"Family Fate"?

Abe was shot and reminded of many people in 1960's "Kishimosuke Assassination Incident". 62 years ago, Abe's grandfather, former Japanese Prime Minister Kishimo, was stabbed by a right -wing member after the reception. Some media said that Abe did not get out of the "family fate" after all.

Lian Degui pointed out that in recent decades, Japan rarely occurred in the thorns against senior politicians. In the 1950s and 1960s, a series of right -wing -winged stab politicians had occurred in Japan, and then traced back to World War II.

Shinzo Abe was born in a conservative political family in Tokyo in 1954. His father, Abe, was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan. His grandfather Kishimo and his uncle Gong Sato also served as Prime Minister of Japan.

In September 2006, Abe first served as Prime Minister of Japan. In September of the following year, Abe resigned due to the decline in support and health reasons. In September 2012, Abe became the Prime Minister again, and resigned from the position of Prime Minister for health reasons in August 2020.

Abe is the longest prime minister in Japan. He left a strong personal brand in the fields of Japanese politics, economy, diplomacy, security, but also left a lot of controversy.

This article is comprehensive from: CCTV News, Shangguan News

Related author: Yang Ying

WeChat editor: Jiasinmin

School pair: nano

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