The United States wants to set up guardrails for China and the United States, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tells it the meaning of the guardrail: Little to Taiwan Strait to make trouble

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.07.08

据京报网报道,在有关中美外长将举行会晤的问题上,美国副国务卿博友日前向媒体透露:此次会晤的重要优先事项,就是给中美两国设置护栏,即增加两国之间The communication channels prevent severe conflicts or confrontation due to misjudgment, so as to inject more stability into Sino -US relations.

In this regard, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained to the United States when answering questions from reporters. The spokesman said: Americans have been talking about "guardrails", and the fence of Sino -US relations is the three joint communiqués of China and the United States. Sino -US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world. They can only be done well and cannot be damaged. What the United States should do at present is to abide by the provisions of the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, as well as the commitment made to the Chinese side.

The reason why China wants to provide detailed definition of the so -called "guardrail" in the United States is because when the China -US foreign minister is about to meet, the US Congress politicians have visited Taiwan a few days ago, but they arrived in Taiwan Island by U.S. military aircraft. This is the United States' intention to destroy the three joint communiqués of China and the United States and the commitment to commitment to China. Obviously, the United States is seeking to set up guardrails for Sino -US relations, and on the other hand, it is crazy to destroy this guardrail that can ensure that China and the United States will not have conflicts.

The United States hopes to inject more stability into Sino -US relations. In fact, it is unwilling to misjudge due to sensitive issues such as the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea or the East China Sea. This is not to indicate that Americans are unwilling to fight against China, but that they can't actually afford the war of great powers. In the current Asia -Pacific region, the era when the United States has dominated everything here has become history. The strong economic and military power of China has led to any provocative acts in the United States in Asia -Pacific, and the risk costs they want to bear are doubled.

The approach to Washington is naive to increase the communication hotline between China and the United States, that is, the communication hotline of the Chinese and US military in the Asia -Pacific Sea on the Pentagon of the Pentagon, the chairman of the Federation of the Federation and the Indo -Pacific Command to set up a communication hotline with the Chinese and American Commands. It was misjudgment. To put it bluntly, the United States wants to put on a "tight curse" to China. The purpose is to allow them to get more security when provoking China. Then, the United States can provoke the bottom line of China more unscrupulously.

Therefore, on the eve of the China -US Foreign Minister's meeting, the United States shouted the slogan "Avoid a conflict between China and the United States", and on the other hand, it intensified to provoke China's patience bottom line. In addition to the US politicians visiting Taiwan by U.S. military aircraft, many senior American officials, including Secretary of State Brillings, used the so -called "human rights issues" to pour dirty water in China, slander the Chinese "interference in the Western national election", and even seek to be in high -tech "Precise strikes" in China and so on.

As for the virtue of the United States, any so -called "guardrail" between China and the United States will be false. Of course, a conflict between China and the United States or severe military confrontation is also something that China is unwilling to see. For China, as long as the United States stops provocation on the above issues, it is the most effective guardrail to ensure safety between China and the United States. Therefore, on the issue of adding more communication hotlines between the two countries, China ’s previous response was very clear: now there are reliable communication channels between China and the United States, and it is not necessary to add too much communication hotline.

The attitude of China has been very clear. Compared with other differences, the Taiwan Strait issue is only the most sensitive issue in Sino -US relations, and it is also the fuse that is most likely to cause the most concerned military conflict or serious military confrontation. What the United States needs to be clear is that as long as they are unwilling to give up the stirring behavior on the Taiwan Strait issue, there are more communication channels between China and the United States, and they cannot ensure that the conflict between China and the United States will not occur. The reason is very simple. Taiwan is an indispensable part of China's territory. The determination to defend territorial sovereignty will never have any changes.

On the issue of territorial sovereignty, there is no room for compromise and discussions. The provocative behavior of the United States on the Taiwan Strait is constantly touching the bottom line of the Chinese war. This actually means that the United States is unwilling to give up the provocative behavior on the Taiwan Strait issue, and there is no "guardrail" that can avoid conflict between China and the United States. Because China will not tolerate any behavior of touching the bottom line. In this regard, China has said it very clearly at the previous Shangri -La Summit: China will "do not hesitate".

Therefore, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made a clear explanation on the issue of "setting up a conflict guardrail for China and the United States": If the United States really wants to avoid conflicts with China, the most effective way is to stop in the Taiwan Strait and wait for the Taiwan Strait. Provocation on sensitive issues. Otherwise, even if the two countries set up more communication channels, it doesn't make much sense.

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