Innovation!Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Art Expo, and Guangzhou Remnant Center signed a cultural co -construction agreement for disabled creators

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.08

While culture and art brings self -confidence and self -improvement to friends of disabled, it also makes the concept of "equality, participation, sharing" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At the same time, culture and art may also become a means of revenue and support them into society. In order to further promote the development of the cultural disabled people in Guangzhou, a few days ago, the Guangzhou Disabled Sports Center (Guangzhou International Disabled Cultural Exchange Center) and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Guangzhou Art Museum signed the party building leading culture. The union's public welfare project, "Hundred Enterprises and Emperor" is the starting point, establishes a mechanism for cultural co -construction, exerts the advantages of resources in its own field, innovates the cultural service carrier of the disabled, and supports people with disabilities to achieve personal and artistic value.

From left to right: Li Lina, Luo Peiqing, Chen Jinghui

Achievement: Preliminary Exploration External Promotion and Link Cooperation Template

Baiqi Baiyi Public Welfare Project, which is a project that is aimed at the use of art (music, painting, performance, etc.) to support people with disabled people in 2021 to support people with disabled people. Bridge of entrepreneurship. The project was implemented by Guangzhou Disabled Persons 'Sports Center (Guangzhou International Disabled Cultural Exchange Center), a subordinate institution of the Guangzhou Disabled Persons' Federation.

In the first stage, the project is mainly dedicated to cultural and creative support. Through the professional support and collaboration of artists, designers and other people, it leads the artistic potential specialty creators to create works with market competitiveness and provide systematic support courses. At present, there have been several sustainable cooperation projects to promote revenue for people with disabled.

Since September 2021, the project and the School of Visual Art Design of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts are the first -time service of the project for nearly two months. Young creators created a total of 20 paintings and designed it to form a sample of cultural and creative products. Provide external promotion and link cooperation templates with actual cultural and creative samples for disabled cultural creation groups in the city.

On January 15, 2022, with the support of the Guangzhou Art Museum, the "XIN · Vision" youth joint exhibition was held, the first phase of the project was exhibited, and multiple artistic integration activities were held, causing a great response.

In the first half of this year, it continued to advance with the support of the society, and the Baiqi Baiyi Project has gained a new stage of results: some works were invited to participate in the public welfare exhibition of many institutions in Guangzhou, and continued to flow and spread. The popularity of "hundred enterprises and hundred arts"; exhibiting works in Yuehui City's artistic space, holding multiple artistic integration activities, organizing disabled creators to participate in the sale, actively integrating into the public; attracting more institutions, units, and enterprises Pay attention and cooperation, including the Guangdong Customs Museum, the Lingnan (University) MBA Student Federation of Sun Yat -sen University, the "Art Award FA Kai" art gallery · charity space, Guangzhou Bus Group, Baiyun District Ailles Angel Animal Care Center, etc.

In order to provide cultural services to the disabled, the Guangzhou Disabled Sports Center (Guangzhou International Disabled Cultural Exchange Center) and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Guangzhou Art Museum have reached several agreements to sign the party building leading cultural co -construction. The specific content of the Guangzhou Institute of Fine Arts of the School of Disability of the Disabled Persons (Guangzhou International Disabled Personal Cultural Exchange Center) and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts were performed by the Academy of Visual Art Design of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.

Outlook: Create a cultural brand with disabled people with Guangzhou characteristics

"In the past year or two, the focus of the cultural cause of the disabled is not only the hobbies of disabled friends, but also exploring common prosperity and exploring personal value." There are more possibilities, "Guangzhou has always been a leading position in the cause of disabled people. Now, through multi -party joint efforts, I hope to open up various links and create a distinctive cultural brand, and to launch Guangzhou's local experience in the future."

Luo Peiqing, secretary of the Party Branch of the School of Visual Art Design, said that the college has been committed to promoting students to actively participate in various social practice. Especially last year, students who participated in the Baiyi Baili project were given positive The deep and deep feedback, and expressed his hope to continue to participate in similar social activities, do his best: "School education is to cultivate talents with professional ability and social responsibility. We hope to be students for students. Provide opportunities to participate in social services and further improve the comprehensive quality to them. "

"Co -construction is a new beginning." Li Lina, deputy dean of the Guangzhou Art Museum, said happily that many parties can give play to their respective resource advantages and do more real things for people with disabled people. "In the future, we hope to set up more Art courses, do more fusion art activities, provide opportunities for learning, promotion, and display for disabled friends. "

Chen Jinghui, director of the Guangzhou Disabled Sports Center (Guangzhou International Disabled Personal Cultural Exchange Center), uses the significance of "Further" to describe co -construction in Guangzhou. ","

It is understood that the three parties to sign the co -construction agreement will establish a regular contact mechanism to jointly carry out cultural activities.Specifically, to cultivate the disabled person through cooperation, provide a display platform for people with disabled people through exhibitions, and achieve the value of the artistic people through the cultural and creative model.At the same time, transmitting and advocating the concept of integration to the society, supporting young students and the general public to accept different groups and multiculturalism, and create a social atmosphere of harmony and mutual assistance; help the society understand different groups, and see that special -demand groups also have advantages, and they have exertion.Opportunities for personal and social value, and explore positive energy and fulfill social responsibility.Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Jia Zhengtu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Mo Weipun Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Peng Wenqiang

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