The average rainfall in Shenzhen in the first half of the year is more than 40 % of the same period in the past 5 years.

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.07.08

Just after the first half of the year, when speaking of the weather in Shenzhen in the first half of the year, many citizens and friends may be impressed by the rainfall weather. On July 8th, the reporter learned from the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory that in the first half of this year, the average rainfall in Shenzhen was 41 % more than the same period in the past 5 years. After the small summer soy in the summer, Shenzhen entered the flood season, tropical cyclone entered an active period, and the rainfall weather would also be frequent.

The pre -flood season is the stage of rainfall weather. According to the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory, the former flood season of Shenzhen this year began on March 23, nearly a month earlier (April 20). The average rainfall in Shenzhen (3.23-6.30) was 807.6 mm, which was 26%more than the same period (641.2 mm) in the past five years.

In addition to the early flood, the rainfall this year's "Dragon Boat Water" was concentrated. It is reported that this year's "Dragon Boat Water" rainfall shows the characteristics of "cumulative rainfall, uneven regional distribution, long duration, large number of rainfall days, obvious extremes, and complicated college entrance examination weather." 69 % of the same period. The number of heavy rains has been the most since 2009, and recorded a total of 14 days of rainfall precipitation.

Among them, there was a local heavy rainstorm process from May 11th to 14th, with a maximum rainfall of 72 hours (611.1 mm) refreshing the highest record of history. From June 6th to 8th, the heavy rainstorm was 102.6 mm (Dapeng New District South Australia The street) refreshes the extreme value since this year, and is the most complicated college entrance examination weather after 2018.

What are the main reasons for the increase in rainfall in the first half of this year? The Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory stated that the first reason is closely related to the current La Nina incident. The La Nina incident began in the fall of 2021. This year is the second year of Lamanina. At present, the attenuation is slow and staged. This provides an important climate background for the early outbreak of summer in the South China Sea and early rainy season.

The second reason is that the cold air activity is frequent, and the high -pressure band high pressure is south. Since May, Eurasia's mid -to -high latitudes of the atmospheric circulation have a large direction, affecting frequent cold air activities in the eastern region of my country. Especially since June, the cold vortex in the Northeast has become more active and has strengthened to the south. On the one hand, the cold air is guided to the south. On the other hand, it has also made the Western Pacific subtropical high -pressure position south. The water vapor transportation from the Northwest Pacific mainly affects South China. The last reason is that the outbreak of the southwest monsoon explosion is early and strong. With the outbreak and establishment of the summer wind in May, the Southwest water vapor transport guided by the monsoon circulation was also strong. All these factors have led to an increase in rainfall in the first half of this year.

What is the next rainfall? Before Xiaoshu, Shenzhen entered the flood season, and tropical cyclones entered the active period. During the small summer in the past 30 years, the average accumulated rainfall of Shenzhen was 142.5 mm, which was reduced compared with the summer solstice period, but the rainfall ranking was still at a high level in spring and summer solar terms. Therefore, rainfall weather will still often "meet" with everyone, and citizens and friends should take safety precautions in advance.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Lin Miling

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