It's hot!The temperature in half of Jiangsu is more than 35 ° C, and there will be two high -temperature processes this month

Author:Intersection Time:2022.07.08

The intersection News After the small summer, the summer is strong! Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory News on the 8th, at 3 pm, Yixing (37.3 ° C), Puyang (37 ° C) and Kunshan (37 ° C) have exceeded 37 ° C, and the temperature in more than half of the province has exceeded 35 ° C. Among them, Wuxi Yixing's "fault" leads, the highest temperature today is 37.7 ° C, the highest in the province.

When the weather is hot, pay special attention to heatstroke prevention, especially friends who work outdoor, epidemic prevention staff, traffic police, highway railway maintenance personnel, takeaway brothers, courier, architecture personnel and other outdoor staff must pay attention to protecting cooling!

Now it is off work time. The friends are cleaning up and preparing to go home for the weekend. Friends from local areas such as Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Nantong, etc. have noticed that there are strong precipitation returns in these places. Rainy, pay attention to preventing weather such as heavy precipitation and thunderstorms, and pay attention to traffic safety.

In the next three days, there will be precipitation and high temperature. Although it has not yet entered, the first to experience the "steamer mode" in southern Jiangsu. On the day of the day from 8th to 9th, there are many decentralized thunder rain in the south of the Huaihe River. From the night of the 9th to the 11th, there are strong precipitation along the river and north, and at the same time, it is accompanied by high temperature weather in the southern Jiangsu region.

From 08:00 on the 8th to 08:00 on the 9th, the province was cloudy, among which there were decentralized thunder shower in the afternoon along the south of the Huaihe River. The highest temperature: about 35 ° C in the east and southern parts of Jianghuai, 33-34 ° C in other regions; minimum temperature: Huaibei area 24 to 25 ° C, and 27-28 ° C in other regions. The southwest wind of the province is about 3.

From 08:00 on the 9th to 08:00 on the 10th, there are decentralized thunderstorms in the province during the day, and there will be shower or thunderstorms in the area north of the Yangtze River. The rainfall in some areas is large, and other areas are cloudy. The highest temperature: about 35 ° C in the east and southern parts of Jianghuai, 32-33 ° C in other regions; minimum temperatures: 27-28 ° C along the river and southern southern region, and about 26 ° C in other regions. The province's southern wind is 3-4.

08:00 on the 10th to 08:00 on the 11th. There are shower or thunderstorms in the province. Among them, the rainfall in the north of the Yangtze River is large and local. The highest temperature: 30-31 ° C along Huai and Huaibei, about 35 ° C in the southern Jiangsu area, 32-33 ° C in other regions; the minimum temperature: 27-28 ° C along the river and southern Jiangsu, and about 25 ° C in other regions. The southwest wind of the province is western-western wind 3-4 gusts and 5 gusts.

According to the latest climate forecast, from July 21st to August 10th this year, the average temperature in Jiangsu was 1-2 ° C higher than the year. The extreme maximum temperature of the moon is 35-39 ℃. There are two high -temperature processes in the province. The period is: mid -July and late July in late July, heatstroke prevention and cooling are the keywords of this month!

Concerning point reporter Zhang Xuanwen/Photo

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