The great love benefits Sangzi, the Meizhou Chamber of Commerce in Dongguan has launched a helping and respect for the elderly in Meizhou

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.09

Text/Lai Jiahua Dangerous Health Peak

In the midsummer season, the public welfare activities of the Meizhou Chamber of Commerce in Dongguan City and the organizational public welfare activities and the elderly for the elderly care for the elderly care for the elderly were officially launched on the basis of the early step -down investigation and investigation. The relevant personnel of the Meizhou Chamber of Commerce in Dongguan City formed the Chamber of Commerce Public Welfare Service Group from Dongguan City to many places in Meizhou to implement public welfare activities to care for lonely elderly and funded students.

Public Welfare Service Troupe Visit the Revolutionary Ancient Great House

On the 6th, the Chamber of Commerce's public welfare service group arrived in Wuhua County. First, I visited the former residence of the ancient revolutionary home of the older generation, watched the real objects of the picture, listened to the excellent deeds of the ancient and love of the country and love the party, inherited the spirit of the red spirit, and accepted the revolutionary spirit baptism. Immediately afterwards, I went to the elderly home of Wuhua Long Village to visit and condolences to 22 lonely elderly people, asking them to warmly, and briefly understand the elderly's physical conditions and current management status from the elderly. In the hands of the old man, the old people feel the warm care from society.

Go to the nursing home of Wuhua Long Village to condolences to the elderly

On the 7th, the service group continued to go to Dongshan Middle School and Senior Middle School in Meijiang District, Sanxiang Middle School in Yanyang Town, Meixian District, Nankou Middle School, Nankou Town, Central Primary School, Meixing Middle School, He Sisi Central Primary School, Yao Shang Middle School, etc. In the eight schools, 59 students who have excellent gradients are well -known but have difficulty in family life to donate funds. On the day of the donation of funds, it was highly praised by the leaders of eight schools, the relevant leaders of the direct departments of Meizhou, and the leaders of Nankou Town and Yanyang Town. The funded poor students also wrote "Thanks" expressing thanks to the Chamber of Commerce.

"Thank you Letter" written by the students

It is understood that, in addition to the chamber of Commerce to fund the poverty -stricken students, there is also the enthusiastic dedication of the Chamber of Commerce members of the Chamber of Commerce. It is worth mentioning that the vice chairman of the chamber of commerce Zhang Wei zero, who generously resolved one million yuan last year, set up a scholarship in Nankou Middle School in his alma mater, and donated 30,000 yuan this year to increase the funding for 15 grades. Students with difficult economy. The chairman of the chamber of commerce, Cai Hongzhang, joint chairman Luo Mingchang, executive vice president Liao Fuxang, vice president Lin Yihong and Liu Caiye, vice president and secretary general Yao Zhixiang, director Lu Meihong, Liu Huanxing, and Li Lixin also claimed that Dongshan Middle School needed "a pair A "poverty -stricken student.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in -law | Huang Lei

School counterpart | Xie Zhizhong

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