[Epidemic Speed Report] From 0:00 on July 8th to 24:00, there are no new confirmed cases in Yunnan

Author:Yunnan released Time:2022.07.09

At 0-24 on July 8th, there were no new confirmed cases in the province.

There are 14 confirmed cases in the existing overseas input.There were 1547 cumulative diagnosis cases, and 1,533 cases were cured, and there were no death cases.

As of 24:00 on July 8, 2022, there were 14 confirmed cases in the province, 2,163 cases of hospitalization were cured, 2 cases of accumulated deaths, and a total of 2179 confirmed cases were reported.A total of 78,659 people were tracked to close contact, and 281 close contacts who were still observed in medical observations.

There are no asymptomatic infections in the province.There were 2 cases of medical observer, and 17 cases were still observed (13 cases were entered overseas).

Data: Yunnan Provincial Health and Health Committee

Edit: Ma Zhenglin

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