From 0:00 on July 8, 2022 to 24:00, 1 new local confirmed cases in Shandong Province, 45 cases of native symptoms infected

Author:Shandong Disease Control Time:2022.07.09

From 0:00 on July 8, 2022, the province reported 1 new local diagnosis case in Weihai.There are 45 new natives of infection, all in Linyi.There are no new overseas input diagnostic cases.One of the asymptomatic infected infected from an overseas input, in Qingdao, entered in South Korea.

From 0:00 to 24:00 on July 8, 2022, the province reported that the asymptomatic infected infection turned into a confirmed case.

From 0:00 on July 8, 2022, 3 cases of confirmed cases in the province were discharged from Qingdao.Symptoms of non -symptoms of infection were lifted medical observation, in Qingdao.4 cases were discharged from the province's overseas input diagnosis cases, including 3 cases of Qingdao and 1 case of Jinan.Anyone who enters an asymptomatic infection abroad to relieve medical observation and in Jinan.

As of 24:00 on July 8, 2022, there were 199 cases of local confirmed cases in the province and 139 infected infected infected in the province.The province's existing overseas input confirmed cases and 18 cases of non -symptoms were input overseas.

Source: Shandong Province Health and Health Committee

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