Must News Speed | The Securities Regulatory Commission starts a private equity venture capital fund to allocate the pilot of stocks to investors physical objects

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.09

We will hear the speedy view on July 8, 2022 Securities Daily www.zqrb.cn1. Notice of the National Comprehensive Freight Hub replenishing chain. The notice pointed out that since 2022, we will concentrate their strengths in about 30 cities (including cities in urban agglomerations) in about 3 years to implement the national comprehensive freight hub to replenish the chain to make up the comprehensive freight hub in transportation energy efficiency and transportation services in transportation energy. The quality and operating mechanism can be significantly improved. It plays a positive role in improving the circulation efficiency, enhancing cycle kinetic energy, and reducing the cost of cycle. The chain supply chain, radiation has driven the high -quality development of the regional economy, the eastern cities are excellent and strong, the central cities have consolidated and improved, and the foundation of western cities has established a long -term basis. (Website of the Ministry of Transport) Details: Notice of the Ministry of Transport of the Ministry of Finance on supporting the support of the national comprehensive freight hub replenishment chain 2. The Central Bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission publicly solicited opinions on the "System Important Insurance Company Evaluation Measures (Draft for Opinions)" 7 On the 8th, the People's Bank of China announced that in order to improve the regulatory framework of my country's systematic financial institutions and establish a system importance insurance company evaluation and identification mechanism, the People's Bank of China will draft the "System Important Insurance Company Evaluation Measures (soliciting the system importance insurance company's evaluation method (soliciting the system importance insurance company's evaluation method (solicited Draft for Opinions) (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), publicly soliciting opinions from the society. The deadline for feedback is August 8, 2022. "Measures" total four chapters and 20, including general rules, evaluation processes and methods, evaluation indicators and attachments. The main contents include: First, the scope of the evaluation is clear. The "Measures" stipulates that the evaluation scope of system importance insurance companies is the top 10 insurance group companies, personal insurance companies, property insurance companies and reinsurance companies in my country's asset scale, as well as the system importance insurance that has been rated as system importance in the previous year. Company's institution. The second is to clarify the evaluation indicators and weights. The "Measures" designed 12 secondary evaluation indicators of scale, correlation, asset monetization and replacement, and the four dimensions of the four dimensions were 20%, 30%, 30%, and 20%, respectively. Among them, the two -level indicators include two total assets and total income, with a weight of 10%; the secondary indicators of association include assets between financial institutions, liabilities between financial institutions, assets and non -insurance affiliated by third -party entrusted by third -party entrustment. Four institutional assets, the weights are 7.5%; the secondary indicators of asset monetization include short -term financing, third -level assets and capital application complexity, and the weights are all 10%. The number of people, the amount of compensation, and the specific business premium income are 6.7%. The third is to clarify the specific process of evaluation. The People's Bank of China and the China Banking Regulatory Commission collects evaluation indicators from participating insurance companies each year, calculating the weighted average scores (total scores) of each insurance company, and insurance companies with a score of 1,000 or more will be identified as a systematic insurance company. For insurance companies under 1,000 points, the supervision judgment decision can be determined as a system importance insurance company. After the list was determined by the Financial Commission, it was jointly released by the People's Bank of China and the CBRC. (Securities Daily) 3. The CBRC: Further deepen the reform of pension financial reforms and continuously improves financial services. According to the official website of the CBRC, on July 1st, on July 1, the National Action Office of the Special Action Office of Pension Frauds in the country crack down on rectification of pension fraud work. The Third Department of Chamber of Commerce was held in the CBRC. Chen Yixin, Secretary -General of the Central Political and Legal Committee and director of the National Special Office, attended the meeting and delivered a speech to dispose of the convener of the illegal funding joint meeting, the secretary of the party committee of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and the chairman Guo Shuqing presided over the meeting. The meeting judged the new situation and new characteristics facing illegal fund -raising in the field of pensions, and discussed the next stage of work measures. Chen Yixin fully affirmed the effectiveness of the early work of the CBRC, emphasized that he insisted on combining defense, both symptoms, and promoting the illegal fund -raising work in the field of pension to achieve greater results. And put forward five points of opinion: First, the clue investigation and punishment should be further advanced. Hurry up and classify and properly dispose of a large number of people to report clues to ensure that each effective clue is fully inspected and disposal. Supervise all localities to increase risks and risk disposal to effectively prevent and resolve various invisible risks. Second, the rectification of the problem must be completely in place. The outstanding problems found in supervision and the "three books and one letter" problem must be accelerated, and the case is used as a lesson, and the case is used to promote the solution of common problems. Third, the cooperation and cooperation must be more powerful. Strengthen the coordination with relevant departments, strengthen departmental information sharing and work cooperation, promote the linkage of administrative rectification and criminal strikes, and form a joint force in illegal fundraising and rectification in the pension field. Fourth, propaganda guidance must continue to make efforts. In -depth promotion of publicity monthly activities, expanding the new media publicity positions, and using cases to urge bank insurance institutions to actively carry out education of pension financial consumers, vigorously popularize financial knowledge such as anti -non -anti -fraud, and further enhance the awareness and ability of the elderly to prevent risks. Fifth, long -term mechanisms should be accelerated and improved.

Improve and improve the full -chain supervision system during the event, promote the introduction of illegal fund -raising criminal recovery regulations, strengthen scientific and technological empowerment, govern the network with the Internet, and strive to find out early discovery and treatment of new forms and new formats. The development of the three -pillar pension insurance has promoted the improvement of the business rules of commercial pension financial products, encouraged support for the innovation of old financial financial innovation, and allowed reform results to benefit the elderly. Guo Shuqing emphasized that the disposal of the inter -fund -raising inter -fund joint meeting must implement the business deployment arrangements and solidly promote the special operation of combating the treatment of pension fraud. First, we must further improve political standing. Fully understand the significance of cracking down on special actions of pension fraud, continuously enhance the affairs and political responsibility of financial reporting, and strictly prevent the illegal fundraising in the field of pension as the actual action of defending the "two establishments" and practicing "two maintenance", and effectively guard The "old -age money" of the good people allows the elderly to enjoy happiness in their old age. Second, we must further compact the responsibilities of all parties. The CBRC should play the role of the leading unit to deal with the inter -fund -raising inter -fund -raising meeting, compact the responsibility of local subjects and the supervision responsibility of the industry in charge of the industry, rectify a number of illegal fund -raising illegal acts in the pension field, and actively guide the masses to actively prevent illegal fundraising. Third, we must further deepen the reform of the pension. Promote the structural reform of the financial supply side, continuously improve the measures for financial services to be suitable, and help the elderly to cross the "digital gap" and allow the elderly to enjoy a safer and warm financial services. (Securities Daily) 4. The Securities Regulatory Commission launched a private equity venture capital fund to distribute the pilot of the stock and the Securities Regulatory Commission website on July 8th. The cash distribution mechanism has expanded the withdrawal channel of private equity venture capital funds, promoting investment-exit-re-investment virtuous cycle. Recently, the Securities Regulatory Commission has launched the pilot work of the private equity venture capital fund to distribute stocks to investors. In recent years, private equity venture capital funds have played an important role in improving the multi -level capital market system, increasing the proportion of direct financing, serving the real economy development, and promoting supply -side structural reforms. With the continuous deepening of the capital market reform, especially the establishment of science and technology boards and pilot registration system, GEM reform and pilot registration system, establish a "reverse link" mechanism for shareholders of listed company venture capital funds The environment continues to improve. The private equity venture capital fund allocation of stock pilot work from investors is another important measure to promote the development environment of the CSRC to optimize the development environment of the private equity venture capital fund and support the industry to further serve the real economy. Private equity venture capital funds allocate stocks to investors' physical objects, referring to the agreed of private equity managers and investors to put the shares held by a listed company held by the Private Equity Venture Capital Fund for the first time through non -trading transfer to investors (share shares A arrangement of assignment. From the perspective of overseas markets, it is a common institutional arrangement to allocate stocks to investors after the investing company is listed. This arrangement is conducive to taking into account the differentiated needs of investors, further optimizing the withdrawal of private equity venture capital funds, promoting the long -term healthy development of the industry, and better playing its support for the real economy and innovation and entrepreneurship. In this pilot work, the private equity venture capital fund distributed to investors was the first public offering of the listed company to publicize. The private equity venture capital fund is the controlling shareholder, actual controller, and largest shareholder of the listed company (including consistent actors). The shares of the listed company have not been lifted up to the restrictions. If the shares of listed companies involve pledge, freezing, judicial auction, or there are violations of laws and regulations, they shall not participate in the pilot. Investors are the actual controllers, controlling shareholders, and largest shareholders of the listed company (including unanimous actors). Venture Capital Fund shall not allocate stocks to it. Private fund managers who are interested in participating in the pilot and qualified private equity fund may submit a pilot application and specific operation plan to the Fund Industry Association on the basis of fully demonstrating. Private equity venture capital funds allocate stocks to investors in real objects. They should apply "Several Provisions of Shareholders of Listed Companies and Directors and Supervisors" (hereinafter referred to as the "Reduction Regulations for Reduction") and "Listed Companies Entrepreneurship Investment Fund shareholders to reduce their holdings shares shares shares Special regulations (revised in 2020) "and other relevant regulations. Private equity venture capital funds can occupy a centralized bidding transaction reduction amount for stock distribution, and it can also occupy the large -scale transaction reduction amount for stock distribution. After occupying the reduction amount, the total reduction of the fund's total holdings should be deducted accordingly. Private equity venture capital funds shall fulfill the obligation to disclose information in accordance with the "Reduction Regulations" and relevant provisions of information disclosure. The CSRC stated that the next step will be summed up and evaluated in a timely manner in combination with the practice of pilot work, continue to promote the improvement mechanism of the private equity venture capital fund, guide and promote the standardized development of private equity venture capital funds, and increase the efforts to serve the real economy. (Securities Daily) 5. Passenger Federation: In June, the passenger car market retail 1.943 million vehicles on July 8th. Retail reached 1.943 million units, a year -on -year increase of 22.6%, and an increase of 43.5%month -on -month. The growth rate of retail sales in June was at the highest value of the same period in the past six years.

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