[Civilization Luo Ding] Luo Ding: Adhere to the problem -oriented promotion of the work of creating the work and improve the quality and efficiency

Author:Luoding City Rong Media Center Time:2022.07.09

The creation of civilized cities is related to the improvement of the quality of the city and the improvement of basic people's livelihood. Luo Ding City adheres to the problem -oriented, focusing on key, accurate efforts, and improvement, and continuously promotes the creation of civilized cities to improve quality and efficiency.

Hard basement of the roadway is more convenient to travel

According to the masses, because the lane roads in the south of Wenlin Road in Luocheng Street, Wentong Road, Wentong Road, Wentong Road, Wenlin Road, the lane roads in the southern lanes, Sixiang, Wuxiang, Liuxiang, Qixiang, and Baxiang of the Eight Lanes have not achieved hard bottoming on the road. There is a stagnant phenomenon, and travel is very inconvenient. The leaders of Luo Ding attached great importance to it, and immediately organized relevant departments to investigate and inspect on the spot, requiring to act quickly and implement rectification responsibilities. At the same time, we must do a good job in the work of the masses and strive for the greatest understanding and support of the masses. Today, the above -mentioned alleyway has achieved hard bottoming, and it is more convenient for the masses to travel.

Enhance the environment of the landscaping park environment

According to the feedback of the Municipal Chuangwen Office's inspection team, the problems of public welfare advertisements in Jiangbin Park in Luoding City, insufficient publicity atmosphere, and damage to fitness facilities, which not only affects the park environment, but also affects the garden experience of the masses. The relevant responsible units of Luoding responded quickly and immediately organized relevant personnel to go to the scene for investigation and rectification. After rectification, the sports and fitness facilities of Jiangbin Park have been renovated and revisited. The public welfare billboards are diverse and everywhere, and the environment is refreshing.

Source | Civilization Luoding

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