Strictly prevent the input of epidemic input and rectification "layer by layer" -the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council responds to the focus of the epidemic prevention and control

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.09

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 8th.

Xinhua News Agency reporters Wen Jinghua and Peng Yunjia

Recently, my country's epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe, and foreign outbreaks have rebounded significantly. What is my country's latest epidemic situation? How to do a good job in the prevention and control of the port epidemic? What are the new progress of the "layer of layers" to prevent the epidemic prevention and control? The State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference on the 8th to respond to the focus of concern.

Omikon BA.5 Asian branch is becoming the world's major popular strains

According to Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission, at present, the global epidemic has continued to rebound, and the pressure on foreign defense input is increasing. Omikon BA.5 Asian branches are becoming the major epidemic strains in the world, and it has triggered a local clustering epidemic in my country, and the situation of preventing and control is severe and complicated.

"Overall, in June, the national local new crown pneumonia's epidemic was fluctuating, and the epidemic situation in the local area in early July had rebounded." Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the National Health Commission Disease Control Bureau and first -level inspector, said, recently, Beijing, Beijing, and Tianjin, Shaanxi and other places have successively reported the local epidemic caused by the input cases of BA.5 mutant plants, and the pressure on foreign defense input in China has continued to increase.

On July 5th, a citizen was sampled by a citizen in a nucleic acid sample point in Liyuan Street, Binhu District, Wuxi City. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo Photo

Lei Zhenglong said that all localities should effectively implement the "four -party responsibility" of the prevention and control of the epidemic, grasp the "four early" measures, prevent overseas input cases caused local epidemic conditions, enhance the emergency response ability of local aggregate epidemic, timely curb, block the society in time Propagate, coordinate the prevention and control of epidemic and social and economic development.

"The comprehensive group of the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism has deployed various places to further strengthen external prevention input work, strengthen the closed -loop management of high -risk jobs at the port, prevent risk prevention such as entry -transit items, passenger aircraft, and inbound personnel isolation and control and the prevention and control of the port cities." Lei Zhengzheng Dragon said.

Science and precision do a good job of prevention and control of the port epidemic

Recently, the orderly recovery of economic and trade and personnel exchanges at home and abroad. Kong Fanwei, deputy director of the Civil Aviation Administration's Flight Standard Division, said that the Civil Aviation Administration continued to refine the prevention and control measures of all parties.

Li Zhengliang, deputy director of the Department of Health and Quarantine Department of the General Administration of Customs, introduced that on the basis of strictly doing the prevention and control of the port epidemic, the customs further optimized the sampling testing of the entry personnel. Occasionally optimized the "single inspection" of the oral pharyngeal swab, canceling the requirements of the new crown blood sample testing requirements.

On June 15, the container cargo ship was loaded and unloaded container in the pier of Qingdao Port Bay Port District, Shandong Port. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng

At the same time, optimize the proportion of entry -cargo aircraft to the proportion of control, the prevention and control measures of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in imported items, and the closed management system of high -risk job staff of customs.

According to Li Zhengliang, in order to effectively prevent the input risks of the new crown pneumonia, through imported cold chain food input risks, the nation's customs further strengthen the source control, optimize the monitoring and detection work, and strictly supervise the preventive disinfection work of the port link.

Multiple departments open the "nine inaccurate" problem clues collection channels

Aiming at the problems that affect the normal production and life of the masses in the "one -size -fits -all" and "layer layer" and "layer layers" that have occurred in the prevention and control of the local area, the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism has previously required the scientific, accurate, targeted on prevention and control measures in various places to further improve the prevention and control measures. , Resolutely achieve "nine inaccurate."

"At present, the 12 member units of the State Council joint defense joint control mechanism comprehensive group rectification 'increase layers' issues' special classes have established channel collection channels through the portal portal websites or publishing complaint telephones." Cheng Youquan, deputy director of the bureau, introduced that 31 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have also established a channel collection channel.

On July 1, at the Security Zone of Zhuzhou Railway Station, passengers performed face recognition and passed security checks. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Sihan

He said that if the masses encounter simplified prevention and control of the epidemic, "one -size -fits -all" and "layer layers" and other issues, they can complain through relevant departments or local websites and telephones. Relevant departments and provinces will be transferred in a timely manner to follow the supervision and supervision places to effectively solve the problems reflected by the masses.

"From June 28th to July 6th, the Public Message Board of the National Health and Health Commission's website to implement the epidemic prevention and control has received nearly 14,000 pieces of information." Cheng Youquan said.

In the next stage, the National Health and Health Commission will continue to promote special rectification work, and continue to do a good job of collecting clues, transfer to verification, track supervision, and report exposure in accordance with the work mechanism of the "layer by layer".

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