It's hot, pay attention to heatstroke and cool down!

Author:Nanjing released Time:2022.07.09

Nanjing Meteorological Observatory, July 09, 2022 09:55, continues to release high -temperature yellow warning signals: It is expected that most streets (towns) in each district of the city will be above 35 ° C for three consecutive days. , Cardida inspection and other epidemic prevention work brings great challenges.

The staff of the Nanjing epidemic prevention and control emergency command system reminds: On the one hand, we must always tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control, implement the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, and prepare for the emergency epidemic to prevent hidden transmission; another In terms of, there are scales of nucleic acids in some areas of our city. We must do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling measures to ensure first -line epidemic prevention personnel. At the same time, citizens should also apply sunscreen before going out to do nucleic acids, bringing positives, drinking water, fans and other heatstrokes.

Citizens actively cooperate with nucleic acid testing

Urban epidemic prevention

Can't do without each individual's dedication

this summer

Let's build a "firewall" with sweat


Nanjing has not been added for four consecutive days, and the situation of the epidemic situation is generally stable. However, from the perspective of the surrounding provinces and cities, the risk of "external defense input and internal defense" facing the city still exists. In the past few days, some cities have been verified from normalized nucleic acid screening in some cities. This has given Nanjing alarm bells, indicating that the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures cannot be relaxed.

High temperature and heat are difficult to prevent and control the epidemic, testing urban management capabilities, and testing the behavior literacy of all citizens. The staff of the Nanjing epidemic prevention and control emergency command system reminds again: Recently, citizens need not to go to risk areas and areas with local cases. Good habits such as rice noodles, you can bring a few more masks for use when you go out, and replace them in time by wetness by sweat.

Content source | Nanjing Daily/Zijinshan reporter Zhang Xi Wang Jiechi Nanjing Guangdian reporter Yang Yang

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