Supreme Procuratorate: Crime that seriously affects the security of the people from a heavy blow!

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.06.14

Data-nickName = "Sky Eye News" Data-ALIAS = "Tianyanxinwen" Data-SIGNATURE = "Kaitian Eye Read Colorful" DATA-FROM = "0" />

Supreme People's Procuratorate: Crime crimes that endanger national security, serious violence, black involvement in evil, and evil, especially those who seriously affect the security of the people, must be strict when strict.

The special struggle for anti -crime and eliminating evil must be implemented in normalization.

Procuratorial organs at all levels deliberately make troubles involving blacks and evils, harsh and harsh means, harsh means, hurting women, children, elderly people, disabled people, etc., as well as crimes with other bad circumstances, and must be resolutely prosecuted in accordance with the law and severely punished according to law.

(Source: Supreme People's Procuratorate)

Edit: Yu Hui Hu Rong

Coordinating: Wang Chi

Editor: Wang Luyao

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