Gulang: "Three Longs" joint inspections to promote the protection and protection of river and lake

Author:Look at the ancient waves Time:2022.07.09

In order to strengthen the protection and protection of rivers and lakes, and continue to promote the "rivers and lakes long+" collaboration mechanism, on July 6, the Guang County River Chang Office, together with the county procuratorate and the county public security bureau, jointly launched the county's river and lake system. Inspection.

The joint inspection team checked the ancient waves to prevent the rectification of the riverside flood safety bridge, the recovery of the dredging section left by the history, the incomplete rectification of the "four chaos" of the river and lake, and the rebound of the river. In response to the problems found in the inspection, the "three long -headed" on -site interpretation of the law was reasonable, requiring the responsible township and townships to make a reform, change to change, and dynamically clear the zero. Outstanding issue.

The joint inspection team pointed out that the main task of "protecting water resources, preventing water pollution, improving water environment, and repairing water ecology" should be used as the main task, and illegal violations of water -related illegal activities should be combined, and the clues of illegal cases involved in rivers and lakes are collected in a timely manner. Investigate and deal with it in accordance with the law, comprehensively use criminal, administrative, and public interest litigation functions to promote the solution of rivers and lakes according to law. It is necessary to fully unblock the channels of cooperation and cooperate with the "three long -headed" cooperation, establish information interoperability, difficulty in discussing, and joint law enforcement mechanisms, strengthen communication, and force the same direction, unite all parties to control water and combine, and form a new situation in unison.

By carrying out joint inspections, the cooperation between the river chief office, the procuratorate, and the public security organs have been further strengthened, and a strong deterrent of the violations of the river involving the river, which effectively solves the key points and difficult problems in the river and lake management and protection. It has effectively promoted the strong promotion The work of the river and lake "Qing Four Chaos" has improved the level of river and lake management and law enforcement, and has laid a solid ecological foundation for the comprehensive creation of beautiful and happy rivers and lakes.

Source: Gulang County Water Affairs Bureau

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