Baoding, Hebei: Lianchi District Houfuying Elementary School actively promotes the creation of civilized campuses

Author:Here is Baoding Time:2022.07.09

With 117 years of establishing a school history, Houfu Ying Primary School, Lianchi District, Baoding City, has moved towards the goal of building a modern school with advanced school concepts, rich curriculum systems, and comprehensive development vision. In the establishment of a civilized campus, Houfuying Elementary School is committed to combining the century -old heritage with the civilized campus.


The school has continuously improved the construction of campus culture, and the beautiful campus cultural environment has cultivated students 'morals and behaviors; the harmonious campus cultural atmosphere cultivates students' unity and collaboration; colorful campus cultural activities meet the diversification of the spiritual needs of teachers and students; positive for the spiritual needs of teachers and students; Campus culture has cultivated students' competitiveness; people -oriented campus culture has continuously improved teachers.



The school integrates excellent traditional cultural education, patriotic education, and ethnic culture education into the campus cultural atmosphere by carried out a variety of special theme education practice activities. In the long -term moral education practice, Houfu Ying Elementary School established a diverse three -dimensional moral education system, forming a unique development of education routine, a series of theme education, and a variety of educational forms. At the same time, it has created a good atmosphere of the school, family, and society, and inherited and promoted the spirit of home schools to grow up and accumulate for children.



In order to promote the construction of civilized campuses and promote the spirit of labor, Houfuying Elementary School also launched a series of student labor skills competitions. Through the competition, the most glorious labor, the lofty labor, the greatest labor, and the most beautiful work in the students' hearts.


The school also actively promotes the spirit of volunteer service, and the majority of teachers and students inherit the fine traditions with actual actions and carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng. The volunteer service teams composed of teachers and students often carry out Lei Feng volunteer activities, contributed their own strength to advocating the new fashion of social civilization.

In various activities created by civilized campuses, teachers and students have developed good habits and improved comprehensive literacy. Today, the flower of civilization has bloomed in every corner of the campus. (Baoding Lianchi Rong Media)

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Jimu Journalist Zhang QiVideo editing Yang Ninghan intern Yan Wanling