114,000 people apply for the exam!This exam is held around Jiangsu today. Have you participated?

Author:Intersection Time:2022.07.09

Atlas News On July 9th, the Jiangsu Provincial Enterprise Human Resources Manager and Labor Relations Coordinator Level of the Jiangsu Provincial Human Resources Services Industry Association led by the Jiangsu Provincial Human Resources Service Industry Association. The number of people for 11,404 people reached a new high.

Enterprise human resources manager and coordinator of labor relations are the backbone of human resources practitioners, and an important part of the high -level talent and high -level talent team of human resources. After the level of these two occupations evaluates the vocational qualifications of vocational qualifications in 2020, Jiangsu's professional level identification work is assigned to the Provincial Human Resources Service Industry Association. In order to ensure a stable transition, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security guides the association to do a good job in the construction of unified development, unified compilation of training textbooks, unified examinations for examinations, unified issuance of certificates, and unified management of management measures.

In order to effectively do a good job of the province's human resources manager and labor relations coordinator of the province in the first half of 2022, the association formulated and issued an announcement for the prevention and control matters related to the epidemic prevention and control of the two vocational skills levels. The assessment sites of each city actively dock the test sites and the regional epidemic joint prevention and control department, and report the relevant epidemic prevention and control situation in a timely manner. Except for the extension of the prevention and control of the Wuxi test area, the other 12 test areas in the province were carried out normally. Each test area conscientiously implement the epidemic prevention and control measures in accordance with the local actual situation. All relevant personnel of the exams enter the examination room and must strictly implement the standard wearing mask, body temperature monitoring, presenting the "Sukang code" and the itinerary card. The negative report and other systems of kernel acid test.

Xinhua Daily · Jiaojiao Reporter Huang Hongfang

Photo source: Jiangsu Province Human Resources Service Industry Association

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