Chengdu High -temperature courier has a summer heat stroke tips for sudden heat irritation, please check

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.09

Cover reporter Zhou Jiayi intern Peng Xingyue

Recently, high -temperature weather in Sichuan has been dominated by hot search. First, Turpan has been hot, and then seven cities in the top ten cities in the national high temperature list. Because of high temperature, many people have symptoms of heat stroke. How should we prevent in the high heat stroke season? What should we do after heat stroke?

Zhang Xiaohong, director of the emergency department of the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, introduced: "Recently, two people have been admitted to the hospital because of heat stroke, and one of the patients have been in a coma when they were sent to the hospital by their family members, and the whole person was convulsive. The temperature had reached 40 ° C. Without sweat, various organs in the body are damaged, the skin is also accompanied by large and small ecchymal stasis, and brain function is also damaged. "It is reported that this patient is a courier because it continues to continue in high temperature weather. Work and heat stroke. The initial first symptoms were rising body temperature and accompanied by a large amount of sweating, but did not cool down in time, and then syncope to the hospital. After the doctor's diagnosis, the patient's coagulation function was disordered, renal function, and heart failure, and was judged as armal injection.

Zhang Xiaohong said that the doctor used the method of using ice blankets, ice caps, and ice salt water for the patient to cool down and cooperate with the ventilator. After subsequent treatment, the patient had significantly improved to be discharged.

Check the symptoms of heat stroke in time, and treat it as soon as possible to avoid danger. Dr. Zhang Xiaohong introduced: "There are about three manifestations of the human body during the heat stroke. The first is that the core temperature continues to rise to 38.5 ° C and above. If the body temperature is above 40 ° C, it will be greatly dangerous to the body. Use the temperature meter to measure the body temperature for judgment. Second, the skin is dry and sweatless. Third, brain function damage may occur during heat stroke, which manifests symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, muscle pain, and convulsions. "

Because heat stroke often occurs in environments with high temperature, high humidity, and poor air permeability, Dr. Zhang Xiaohong reminds everyone that outdoor sports should be appropriately reduced in the hot weather season and try to stay in a cool and ventilated environment. Replenish water in time. At the same time, you can appropriately arrange the outdoor activities of the day by checking the weather warning on the mobile phone. "When the symptoms of heat stroke appear in the body, you should first leave the environment of high temperature and high humidity, transfer to a cool area, and stop high -intensity exercise. Second, you must quickly cool the body. . When severe symptoms occur, they should be sent to the hospital in time to seek medical treatment. "

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