Urban non -survivors ② witness the changes in the prosperity of the Great Drums of Heluo, so that the non -genetic inheritors are useful

Author:This newspaper Luoyang Time:2022.07.09

Elephant reporter Zhang Chaofei/Wen Li Shubao/Picture

【Editor's Note】

Walking in Henan and reading China.

In Henan, in Luoyang, there are many intangible cultural heritage (referred to as non -heritage). These excellent traditional culture not only constitute the profound cultural connotation of the Chinese nation, but also carry the cultural origin and internal cultural genes of the Chinese nation. Non -heritage, born in farming civilization. With the rapid progress of urbanization, some non -heritage is losing the space for inheritance.

What are the status quo of these non -heritage in the process of irreversible urbanization? How do they cope and adapt to this process? In the inevitable trend of urbanization, these non -survivors will naturally become urban people. How to survive and develop non -heritage in the city, how can non -survivors perfectly integrate with the city, take root, and rejuvenate a new life?

To this end, Elephant News and the Protection Association of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection of Luoyang City, sorted out the non -survivors of Luoyang, and launched a series of reports "Luoyang Story · Urban Anti -Book", revealing the current situation of urban non -survivors, difficulties, and opportunities. Focusing on the future inheritance and promotion, it is a non -heritage sound and a continuity of culture.

【Core Tips】

Entering the Ding Dingmen Community Activity Center in Luoyilong District, Luoyang City, I heard the sound of He Luo's drums from the row of crescent steel plates and small drums in the room, sometimes crisp and pleasant, sometimes powerful. When I came to the rehearsal room, Zhang Huaisheng, the inheritor of the Heluo Drum, held the crescent steel plate and knocked the small drum in one hand, and took the team members to rehearse the show.

I have witnessed glory and experienced failure, but the original intention has never changed

When it comes to the Grand Drum, many old Luoyang people will have clear memories in their minds. The Grand Drum of Heluo originated from the late Qing Dynasty and has a century -old history. In the early days, it was also called "Drum Book", "Drum String", and "Steel Board Book". It was also a unique rap art treasure in the Heluo area. In 2006, it was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.

As the second batch of provincial -level non -heritage projects, the heirs of the Grand Drum of the provincial -level non -heritage project, born in the Quyi family. He followed his father to learn about the Grand Drum of Heluo since he was a child. He began to perform on the stage at the age of 9. He could play singing alone at the age of 12. Graduation of high school is already a small local actor.

The concept of instillation of his father from a young age is "can give a certain art and not give Wan Guanye." At the strict demands of his father, Zhang Huaisheng gradually developed a versatile heir and inheritor heirs and inheritors of Heluo Drum, which was proficient in playing, pulling, playing, and singing.

Speaking of Zhang Huaisheng Heilo Drum acting, he has to mention another person Bai Zhimin. The two are both brothers and partners for many years. At the age of 14, Bai Zhimin was admitted to the Luoyang River Troupe at the age of 14. He served as the performer of Hu Hu, and Zhang Huaisheng made an inextricable bond with the famous Heeluo Drum Performing Artist Duan Jie.

"He sings casually. I can match the string without watching the score." Speaking of the cooperation between the two people over the years, Bai Zhimin was very confident. Every time they perform on the stage, they can always see their figures, one singing, one accompaniment, which is very tacitly cooperated.

In their memories, when they were young, they followed the teachers. The audience often had hundreds of thousands of people. In a village, more than a dozen villages would come to listen to witness the heyday of the He Luo Drum.

However, by the beginning of the 1980s, the Great drums of Heilo began to decline. The Grand Drum of Heluo gradually flourished in the era when the cultural life of the masses was very sleepy. With the development of society and the times, and the gradual enrichment of spiritual and cultural life, the Grand Drums of the Heeluo have lost their survival soil and market.

During the most difficult period, Zhang Huaisheng had been at home for a bargaining home. "I have witnessed the glory of the He Luo Drum, and I have experienced a long decline, but the original intention of inheriting the carbon of the drums of the He Luo has never changed." Zhang Huaisheng said.

The warmth on the road knows that as long as there is a line of hope, you will not give up

"If it comes, it is peaceful." Now that you have started, you have to support the skills of He Luo Drum. This idea has always been deeply rooted in Zhang Huaisheng's mind.

In 2012, Zhang Huaisheng and Bai Zhimin began to enter the school spontaneously and publicized the Grand Drum of Heluo for free. At the beginning, the results were very small, because the school did not recognize the folk songs like Heluo Drum at the time, but they did not give up.

Kung Fu is worthy of care, and ten years of persistence made people see it. Now there are more and more schools that are asked to sing Heluo Drums. In Luoyang West District, Xigong District, Luohe District, Luolong District, Yanshi, etc., the school has a Grand Drum Class.

Even with the current results, the Heilo Drum is still facing the dilemma of a small market and no succession. How to make the He Luo Drum out of the predicament and go to light?

"I have worked for more than thirty years, and I have a deep Heilo drum plot." In Bai Zhimin's view, the biggest problem currently facing is that no one wants to learn, especially no young people to learn. The song art of He Luo Drum is more difficult to learn. There is no professional team or the market in Luoyang, so it is not easy to pass on to inherit.

It must be taught, and some people learn. This is very important to have a place for martial arts after learning. "Why am I alive? I live to carry forward the Hero Luo Drum." As the inheritor of the Heeluo Drum, Zhang Huaisheng has both the responsibility of inheriting the tradition and the mission of carrying forward. In ten years, thousands of students have followed them on the road to learning the kohille.

- END -

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