The number of people with a number of to transfer to the country exceeds 57 million, and the 5G track of the radio and television enters the bureau will become the norm.

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.09

Jimu Journalist Lan Sha

A few days ago, the Hubei Provincial Communications Administration made a penalty of "ordering immediately and imposing a fine of 300,000 yuan" on the three communications operators in the province. Transfer service.

Since the official launch of the number to the network in November 2019, it has been two and a half years since it was officially launched. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the first quarter of 2022, the number of users in the country has exceeded 57 million. In the context of the number portable to the network, the inner curl "blood fighting" of the three communications operators has become even more tragic.

Recently, China Radio and Television, the fourth largest communications operator, officially launched 5G network services. Will it become one of the choices for users to carry the number to the network? What will happen to the "three -legged" pattern of "three -legged" in the communications industry? What changes will users feel?

Nearly 60 million users "transferred"

Transfer to the Internet, as the name suggests, also known as the number carrying, the movement does not change the number, that is, a user of a communication operator does not need to change his mobile phone number to become a user of another communication operator, and enjoy it and enjoy Various services provided.

As early as November 2010, the first batch of "ports to the network" pilot of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched in Tianjin and Hainan. In September 2014, the second batch of pilots of "portable to the network" was implemented in Jiangxi, Hubei, and Yunnan. In November 2019, the number to transfer to the network officially provided services in the country.

According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and communications operators, the number of transfers to the network has been officially landed nationwide for two and a half years. As of the first quarter of 2022, more than 57 million users have chosen the "transfer account". At the end of 2020, the total number of users with numbers to the net was 17 million; by the first quarter of 2021, this number increased to 26 million, an increase of 9 million in a single quarter; by the first quarter of 2022 The number has reached 57 million. The increase of 31 million in a year, exceeding the total number of users of the past portable to the net, and 5 million more.

Among them, the number of mobile users of China Telecom increased by 45.15 million, and the number of mobile users of China Mobile increased by 22.9 million. The cumulative number of mobile users of the two operators increased by 65.24 million. The increase was only 606 million. There is no doubt that the flow of users in the communication industry's "left -handed right -handed" in the communication industry has increased significantly.

The number to the network will become the norm

"In the future, the number to transfer to the network will become the norm." Member of the Information and Communication Economic Expert Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, co -director, researcher Pan and Lin, the head of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center of Zhejiang University International Coalition Business School.

In his opinion, the competition among the current communications operators is becoming increasingly fierce, especially the competition in the coverage of network signals. In fact, it is very simple to choose whether to choose whether to carry the number to the network. In the daily use scenario, the signal of a communication operator does not cover the user's activity area. In order to improve the experience, users have to be forced to "carry the number to the Internet."

Panhelin believes that at present, 5G base stations have not been fully saturated, and various communication operators have some base station signals to cover blind spots. Communication operators want to retain old customers and attract new users. Instead of "fancy grabbing people", it is better to improve network quality, enhance coverage effects, optimize communication services, and expand new tracks with innovation and quality.

At present, the 5G communication service track of Radio and Television has not changed the existing market structure, but the advantages of mobile head communication operators are gradually weakening. However, if the radio and television want to highlight the siege, it will still need to further improve the telecommunications service to improve the signal quality.

The 5G track group is strong. For consumers, the competition between signal coverage and tariffs between communication operators will undoubtedly help further reduce consumer communication costs, optimize consumer 5G communication experience, and provide consumers with providing consumers with More choices.

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