Entering in July 16th, eat 6 more "Fu Gua", refreshing and crispy and tender heat, and eat three volts in the season.

Author:Miusu's kitchen Time:2022.07.09

The Sanfu Tian of 2022 began on July 16th and ended on August 24. The 40th day is the hottest time of the year. We must pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, eat more cool food, eliminate dampness and spleen, melon, melon, melon, melon, melon, melon, melon, melon, melon, melon Most of the vegetables are rich in moisture and minerals, which can supplement the nutrition that is lost in summer. It is light and delicious. It is the best food for removing dampness and heat. It is recommended to eat 6 "Fu Gua" in Sanfu Tian, ​​which is light and delicious, so that you will be healthy for a summer!

The first: bitter gourd

Although bitter gourd is bitter, its nutritional value cannot be underestimated. The high temperature and hotness of Sanfu Tian, ​​which is easy to make people feel upset, and even heat stroke and get angry. At this time, eating some bitter gourd can increase appetite, clear heat and detoxify, and drop and drop. Fire has the effect of relieving fatigue.

Recommended recipes -pulp bitter gourd fried meat slices

[Ingredients]: Moderate amount of bitter gourd, moderate amount of linsei meat, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of tempeh, 1 spoon of sugar, 2 petals of garlic, 1 spoon of salt, 1 small spoon of raw powder, 1 small spoon of raw powder, 1 small spoon of raw powder


1. Wash the bitter gourd and cut off both heads and dig to the middle of the white ravioli, cut into slices obliquely, put 1 teaspoon of salt and grab the bitterness, then marinate and rinse and squeeze the moisture for use;

2. Cut the lintest meat, add a little cooking wine, oyster sauce, oil, starch and mix well, and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot. After the garlic cloves are savory, then the meat slices are added, and the meat slices will be frying a few times and the discoloration will be flourished immediately;

4. Put the oil again, stir -fry the bitter gourd for two minutes, add the chopped tempeh to continue stir -fry, stir -fry until the bitter gourd becomes color, add the piece of meat just now and stir fry.

5. Finally, stir -fry the sugar and stir fry.

Second: Winter melon

Winter melon belongs to high potassium and low sodium -type vegetables, and is rich in nutrients such as vitamins. Edible winter melon can not only clear heat to relieve heat, remove dampness, and replenish water, but also contain only about 10 calories per 100 grams. People also have a good auxiliary effect.

Recommended recipe -winter melon pork filling dumplings

[Ingredients]: The right amount of pork, the right amount of winter melon, 2 teaspoons of raw soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, an appropriate amount of salt, a small spoon of sugar, a little ginger and shallot


1. Peel the melon to cut the knife and cut into small pieces, marinate with salt for a while, and then wrap the water with gauze. Be sure to squeeze the water, otherwise the dumplings will be easy to leak.

2. Chop the seven -point thin three -point fat into a particle -shaped meat filling, and add ginger, green onion salt, raw soy sauce, oyster sauce, thirteen incense, sugar, stir clockwise until the meat filling and seasoning are fused;

3. Continue to put the melon grains into the meat filling and mix well.

4. Put the stuffing in the middle of the dumpling skin. After the two sides are folded, the two sides are pinching a few folds. After the water is boiled in the pot, steam it for 15 minutes.

Third: cucumber

Cucumber is known as "civilian vegetables". It is fresh and refreshing, crispy and juicy, not only to eat raw like fruits, but also stir -fry and eat. Eating cucumber in Sanfu Tian has the effects of reducing fire and rejuvenating thirst. Our health is very good.

Recommended recipe -cold cucumber rolls

[Ingredients]: A moderate amount of cucumber, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of raw soy sauce, 2 spoons of vinegar, appropriate amount of garlic, 1 spoon of sugar


1. Wash the cucumber for 15 minutes in salt water and scrape the cucumber into slices with a razor;

2. Roll the cucumber slices into rolls, roll a little tighten, put on the plate, be close to each other, and it will not release it.

3. Get up the oil pan, add the minced garlic, pour in raw soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, white sugar and stir well to turn off the heat;

4. Finally, the cucumber is poured with the newly adjusted juice.

The fourth type: loofah

Louah, also known as gourd and vegetable melon, contains vitamin B, vitamin C and other ingredients that prevent skin aging, which can protect the skin from being damaged by free radicals. It also contains the ingredients contained in ginseng-sauce The "good helper" of diarrhea and anti -drying and dryness.

Recommended recipes -loofah clam soup

[Ingredients]: A moderate amount of loofah, an appropriate amount of clams, an appropriate amount of eggs, an appropriate amount of ginger, a small spoon of salt


1. The fresh clams bought, soak it with a few drops of oil with salt water for 2 to 3 hours, let the clams spit out the sand.

2. If the time is not allowed, you can put the clams in the boiling water and cook it.

3. Loofah planing skin, cut the knife block, put a little edible oil in the pot, stir -fry the ginger and loofah pieces first, and fry it to a little burnt;

4. Add an appropriate amount of water to simmer. After the soup is boiled for 1 to 2 minutes, add the clams to continue cooking for about 3-5 minutes;

5. Drizzle the egg liquid, stir in the pot with a spatula, and sprinkle a little salt before the pan to see your taste.

Fifth type: pumpkin

Pumpkin comes with sweet taste and has the role of food therapy that cannot be ignored. Pumpkin is rich in carotene, B vitamins and pectin, which can supplement the body's nutrition and can also play the spleen and stomach and help digestion.

Recommended recipes -steamed pork ribs of pumpkin juice

[Ingredients]: A moderate amount of pumpkin, an appropriate amount of ribs, 2 spoons of raw soy sauce, 1 spoon of starch, an appropriate amount of tempeh, 1 small spoon of salt, 1 small spoon of sugar, ginger and garlic,


1. Put the oil in the wok and heat it. Put the minced garlic and the medium heat of the minced garlic, and fry the flavor of the scent, so that the aroma of the tempeh is played and spare.

2. The chopped ribs were washed away the blood repeatedly, put in a large bowl, and poured in with the oil minced and poured into the oil. Essence 3. Wash and peel and peel, remove the pumpkin, cut the thick slices on the bottom of the plate, and spread the pork ribs with the sauce on top of the pumpkin;

4. Boil a pot of water in the pot, boil the pork ribs after the fire is boiled, and steam for 25 minutes.

Sixth type: watermelon

Watermelon can be said to be the most indispensable seasonal fruit in summer. It not only tastes sweet and water, but also refreshing thirst, so when Sanfu Tian, ​​you can eat some watermelon properly. In addition to the pulp, in fact, watermelon skin is also a good thing. The Chinese medicine name is also watermelon green and watermelon green coats. It can clear heat and detoxify.

Recommended recipe -cold watermelon peel

[Ingredients]: Moderate amount of watermelon skin, a little white sesame, 1 spoon of raw soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of vinegar, a little sugar, appropriate amount of millet pepper, appropriate amount of onion and garlic,


1. First cut the skin of the watermelon skin with the peeling knife, cut it into thin slices, and soften two spoons of salt for 10 minutes, and pour the water.

2. Boil the water in the small pot, put the watermelon peel in and blanch it for 1 minute, remove it, rinse the melon skin with cold water, squeeze the water;

3. Take a small bowl, put in white sesame, garlic, millet pepper, then drizzle with hot oil, add raw soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, white sugar, and stir well;

4. Pour the adjusted sauce on the prepared watermelon skin and mix well. It is better after iced.

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