Live trailer 丨 Words and minds, learn from the future -China -EU COSCO Comprehensive Management Summit Forum invites you to gather in the clouds

Author:Medical newspaper Time:2022.07.09

Physician-Medical TV Live Trailer

Knowing far away, learning from the future -comprehensive management summit forum of China -EU COSCO

On July 10, 14: 00-17: 00, Academician Gao Runlin, Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the chairman of the European atherosclerosis Society, Professor Kausik Ray, "know the far away, learn from the future-comprehensive management of China Euchi Slow disease Summit Forum "is about to be held.

This forum also invited Professor Li Jianjun, Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Ji Linong, People's Hospital of Peking University, Professor Qian Juying, Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, and Professor Xie Liangdi, the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, to tell the comprehensive cardiovascular disease and its dangerous factors Management of the latest progress, Professor Wu Yongjian of Fuwai Hospital and Professor Liu Jian of Peking University People's Hospital.

The forum takes the latest progress of the comprehensive management of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors as the theme of the conference, and builds and continues the Central European cardiovascular dialogue mechanism. Through in -depth discussions and exchanges of the latest progress in the field, we will strengthen the focus of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors management. And concern, standing on the common position of non -infectious chronic disease (NCD) management of all mankind, discuss how to deal with clinical challenges of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors.

I sincerely invite the nation to scan the code to listen, so stay tuned!

Long press or scan the QR code to watch the live broadcast

Capture: Liu Zibo

Edit: Du Xiaojing

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