Iron fist hit!The fishery law enforcement department in our province strictly fights and violates the law during the resting period

Author:Zhenong News Client Time:2022.07.09

In the past few days, the fishery law enforcement departments from all over the province have attacked, continuously increased law enforcement inspections, severely crack down on various types of maritime illegal acts, and investigate and deal with multiple illegal fishing cases.

The reporter learned from the Taizhou Port Air Port and Fisheries Administration that from the evening of July 7th to the early morning of July 9, the Taizhou Marine and Fisheries Law Enforcement Team and the Taizhou Maritime Police Bureau and related counties (cities, districts) ports and fisheries The Administration of the Administration has launched a special law enforcement operation in the marine season fishing period, and three cases of illegal fishing products are investigated and punished within 3 days. Among them, the joint law enforcement team seized an illegal fishing boat suspected of illegal fishing vessels near the waters near the three bridges of Jiaojiang. After counting and recording, there were 106 boxes of illegal fishing and fishing objects on the ship, and 1590 kg. At present, these illegal fishing calendars have been seized. Twelve crew members on board participated in illegal fishing many times, and have been adopted for criminal compulsory measures.

In addition, the reporter learned from the Zhoushan Ocean Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade that on the midnight of July 5, under the unified deployment of the Provincial Ocean and Fisheries Law Enforcement Corps, the provincial, municipal, and county -level joint operations, scientific control, accurate blow The Kingsang Sea seized three illegal vessels involving fishing in one fell swoop.

On the day of the operation, the provincial and municipal fishery departments organized China Fisheries Administration 33002, 33006, 33110 ships to start the net from the three directions of Dinghai, Lincheng, and Zhu Jiadian in three directions. Two of them were "three -none" fishing vessels of FRP, and one was suspected of illegally fishing for Cixi wooden fishing vessels. At present, the ships involved have been escorted to Hong Kong.

Edit: Zhang Yameng

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