This central enterprise moved to Wuhan last year and participated in the "Yangtze River Cup" this year

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.10

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 10 (Reporter Zhang Lin) This year's "Yangtze River Cup" attracted Chinese and foreign companies including the Three Gorges, Gaode Infrared, Coca -Cola and other Chinese and foreign companies. Among them, the Three Gorges Team of the Yangtze River is the first time this year. At the opening ceremony, Zhi Gaojie, a member of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Team, took an oath as a athlete representative.

According to reports, China Yangtze River Three Gorges Group is currently the world's largest hydropower development and operation enterprise, the world's largest renewable energy group, and China's largest clean energy group. It is one of the 10 world -class demonstration companies determined by the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. In September 2021, the headquarters of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Group moved from Beijing to Wuhan.

Zhigaojie said that when the group was started, football was one of the favorite sports activities of employees. For more than 20 years, whether in Yichang, Kunming, Chengdu or Beijing, the development of employees' football activities has never been interrupted. Before moving to Wuhan, the group headquarters held an internal employee league every year, each time the team was around 8-10. After moving to Wuhan, football has become a good catalyst in Wuhan's local life as soon as possible.

"We are now on Wednesday and Sunday on Sunday evening. At the stadium of the Hankou Jiangtan Football Park twice. In addition to the group headquarters, the players also have members of all second -level units in the local area. In addition, the Jiang'an District Party Committee and the District Government also have Many football enthusiasts, we often learn the skills of the ball together. Not long ago, we also participated in the competition of the Provincial Games Enterprise Group and won the Moral Fashion Award. "Zhigaojie said," Whether it is participating in the Provincial Games competition or this or this The employee competition participating in the "Yangtze River Cup" this time, we all want to show ourselves through football, show the group's spiritual appearance for my China, Zhijian Three Gorges'. "

He finally introduced that the members of the Yangtze River Three Gorges team participating in the "Yangtze River Cup" basically covered various functional departments of the group headquarters. The age span from 60s to 90s, with an average age of about 30 years. "The unions of our unit have always supported all kinds of sports, including football, badminton, table tennis, and basketball. By carrying out various sports, the biggest impact brought is to greatly enhance the cohesion of our entire team. "

[Edit: Deng La Xiu]

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