More than 80 students infected | Linyi added 2 new local diagnosis yesterday, and 55 cases of non -symptoms of the local area

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.07.10

From 0:00 to 24:00 on July 9, 2022, Shandong Province reported two new local diagnosis cases, all in Linyi, which was found to be detected during the isolation period. 55 new natives of infection were added, all in Linyi, which were found to be detected during isolation. There are no new overseas input diagnostic cases. There are no asymptomatic infections overseas.

From 0:00 to 24:00 on July 9, 2022, Shandong Province reported that there were seven cases of diagnostic cases of native infections, all in Linyi. Anyone who entered an asymptomatic infection overseas turned to one confirmed case, in Qingdao.

From 00:00 on July 9, 2022, 2 cases of confirmed cases in Shandong Province were discharged from Qingdao. Symptoms of non -symptoms of infection were lifted medical observation, in Qingdao. The province was discharged from the hospital without an overseas input. Three cases of observation of medical observation of asymptomatic infection abroad are in Jinan.

As of 24:00 on July 9, 2022, there were 26 local confirmed cases in Shandong Province and 186 infected infected local infections. The province's existing overseas input confirmed cases and 14 asymptomatic infected inputs overseas.

The epidemic in Linyi, Shandong has attracted the attention of the outside world.

On July 6, there were 9 new natives of infection in Shandong Province, all in Linyi. On July 7, there were 66 new natives of infection in Shandong Province, all in Linyi. From 00:00 on July 8th to 24th, 45 new natives of infection were added in Shandong Province, all in Linyi.

Many asymptomatic infections are holiday students

From July 6, the epidemic in Linyi City rebounded.

On July 6, a newly crown virus pneumonia was added to Lantashan District, Linyi City, and was an employee of the individual packaging wholesale and retail industry households.

From 0:00 on July 8th to 24:00, 45 new natives were added to Linyi City, including 43 cases of Lanling County and 2 cases of Lanshan District.

According to the official announcement, many asymptomatic infected people are holiday students.

On July 7th, Linyi City Press Conference introduced that on the afternoon of July 6, in the test of the centralized isolation point nucleic acid test, Lantashan District found a positive personnel associated with the starting case, a student of the 14th Middle School of Linyi. As of 17 pm on July 7, there were more than 1,400 teachers and students.

The reporter sorted out and found that since the epidemic on the 6th, Linyi has added 120 positives in 3 days, 81 of them.

"In addition to the control of the 14th middle school of Linyi, Hantang Primary School in Lanling Town, Lanling County has also been controlled." Zhang Lin (pseudonym), a citizen of Lan Mountain District, Linyi, told the Health Times. Those who are infected are earlier than fourteen. "

It is worth mentioning that Lanling County is the "South Gate" in Shandong.

According to reports, after the epidemic, the heads of the Linyi Municipal Government and the relevant experts of the provincial and municipal CDC immediately rushed to Lanling to guide the deployment work; on the morning of July 7, the principals of the Municipal Party Committee went to Lanling to guide. Human video connection scheduling is related to the situation and puts forward clear requirements.

On July 8th, the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference.

"Overall, in June, the national new crown epidemic showed a decline in volatility, but the epidemic situation in the local area rebounded in early July." Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the National Health and Health Commission CDC, mentioned. The epidemic, the new report of Shandong Linyi, a local epidemic, has a certain risk of community communication. "

Source: Shandong Health and Health Committee, Zhengzhi


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