Edit: Liu Tianyuan">

"Guizhou Daily" on July 10

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.07.10

data-nickName = "Sky Eye News" Data-ALIAS = "Tianyanxinwen" Data-SIGNATURE = "Kaitian Eye Read Colorful" DATA-FROM = "2" />

Edit: Liu Tianyuan

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Lanzhou City, Dingxi City, and Baiyin City delineate risk areas in many places. The Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued important reminders

Epidemic Speed ​​Report#Lan'Zhou CityThe Office of the Leading Group of the Lanzhou New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Institute of Prevention and Control and Controlling Group just issued a notice: Accor...

It's the active season of mosquito again!Pregnant women and children should not use TAs →

The weather gradually became hot, mosquito was active, and local mosquito repellen...